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Thread: "Fox Hat"

  1. #1
    Experienced Member SonyaChi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Talking "Fox Hat"

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    thought he might get shot by a local. Nice hat. ................

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    davey, davey crocket, king of the wild frontier, hows that Slick Rick track go? Crabs w/spears n indian drums "heyaheyaheya"

  4. #4
    Experienced Member SonyaChi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier, yeah
    Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier

    Well he's in Indian Town, and what spots his eye?
    A nice looking Indian, and honey looked fly
    He had to talk because he just couldn't hack it
    She wore some moccasins and plus a tough leather jacket
    He trotted over and invented a line
    He said "Excuse me, um, do you happen to have the time?"
    All was on his mind was sex, sex, sex
    So she said "Why do ask? You got your own Timex"
    To poor old Dave that line was cold blooded
    He felt that her ego was way over flooded
    She started to laugh and then she started to say
    "I'm sorry some times I do get carried away
    I didn't mean to like ill treat you
    My name is Running Rabbit and I'm glad to meet you"
    He said "I'm Dave, with crazy clout"
    "Oh you're the one the girls keep talking about
    Yeah, you must be, because you look like a winner
    Come to my house, we'll discuss it over dinner"

    Davy, Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier

    Well, he met her father, Big Chief Beretti
    He said "What's for dinner?"
    "Soup and spaghetti"
    The dinner was rotten and he swore he's gonna puke it
    He never would have took it if he'd known that he had cooked it
    Later on they were chilling, in the bedroom
    Sitting at the window looking at the moon
    Judging from the mood he swore she was hot
    He said "Are you in the mood?"
    She said "No I'm not"
    From what he believes and from what he gets
    When a girl says no, he really thinks she means yes
    So, he started touching her and coming out strong
    Whispering sweet nothings and singing a song
    He said
    [singing] "I'm in the mood for love,
    simply because you're near me,
    funny but when you're near me,
    I'm in the mood, don't mean to be rude,
    but I'm in the mood for love"
    She said "Oh Dave, you've got my poor back hurting
    I want you, but first close the curtain"
    He closed the curtain and also the doors
    The next thing you knew it was off with those drawers

    "Take it easy Davy, you're hurting me. Stop"

    Well, he was playing with her tits, they were soft not lumpy
    And then he cracked the legs like Humpty-Dumpty
    He's fucking, sucking, also finger popping
    He had, no intention of stopping
    Crazy fun, he did not want to leave
    His head was between her tits and he could barely breathe
    He had to toss, turn, turn, toss
    Meanwhile he was riding her with crazy force
    She was burning hot, she said "Stop, stop."
    He said "Are you talking sex or what?"
    I guess she didn't realize what she started
    Next thing you knew she was acting retarded
    She said to him strangely and kind of merry
    "Stop now, or I'll be unable to marry"
    He didn't take her warning
    He rode her till the morning
    He rode that ass till the pussy started yawning

    [Yawning sounds]

    He said "What? Wait" His dick went weak
    It said "Dave, pussies ain't supposed to speak"
    He gathered his things he wanted to leave this place
    But first he wanted to see the vagina face to face
    He opened it up, with his bare two thumbs
    He seen crabs with SPEARS AND INDIAN DRUMS!

    They's going heya hiya heya hey, hey
    Heya hiya heya hey
    Heya hey, heya hey
    Heya hiya heya hey
    Heya hiya heya hey


  5. #5
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Its Miller Time.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    thats cool

  8. #8
    Experienced Member SonyaChi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Cool??? LMAO it's hilarious!!!!!

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    haha, nice one Sonya, if u really wanted the words tho i coulda probly typed em out, hit or miss on a few lines after reading it, if someone really wanted it.

    then again thats too much typing for me.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SonyaChi View Post
    Cool??? LMAO it's hilarious!!!!!
    Yeah that, lol JustSayn...................
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

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