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Thread: Bob dole!

  1. #701
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    "Bob Dole wants to be president and Bob Dole will do anything, say anything, screw anybody, to make sure Bob Dole get what Bob Dole wants. Bob Dole thinks it's Bob Dole's turn, but the rest of us would have to live with Bob Dole and deal with Bob Dole's mistakes long after Bob Dole is dead and gone. Bob Dole will get as dirty as it takes to get Bob Dole elected. I say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander."


    Source: Dirt on Bob Dole
    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
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  2. #702
    PokerOwned God
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    bob diggity dole
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  3. #703
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
    1. Never tell everything you know.
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  4. #704
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Definition #5 from Urban Dictionary: Bob Dole

    5. Bob Dole

    Bob Dole is secret code for smokin weed, or used if you are looking for marijuana.

    Have you seen Bob Dole? I was visiting Bob Dole on the way home.

    Last edited by lulabell79; 10-03-2012 at 02:13 AM.
    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
    1. Never tell everything you know.
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  5. #705
    PokerOwned God
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    Dec 2010
    lmao, bob dole thread is funny...

    bob dole
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  6. #706
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    Top 10 Best Bob Dole Quotes:

    "I used to think that seniority was a terrible thing when I didn't have any."

    "If we had known we were going to win control of the Senate, we'd have run better candidates."

    "Those who cultivate moral confusion for profit should understand this: we will name their names and shame them as they deserve to be shamed."

    "If you're hanging around with nothing to do and the zoo is closed, come over to the Senate. You'll get the same kind of feeling and you won't have to pay."

    "As long as there are only 3 to 4 people on the floor, the country is in good hands. It's only when you have 50 to 60 in the Senate that you want to be concerned."

    "If something happened along the route and you had to leave your children with Bob Dole or Bill Clinton, I think you would probably leave them with Bob Dole."

    "You know, a better man for a better America. That's sort of our slogan."

    "Anyone who wants to understand me must first understand Russell, Kansas. It is my home, where my roots lie, and a constant source of strength. My father's view of the world as "stewers versus doers" registered early. From my neighbors, I learned to feel deeply for God, country and family. In Russell, I came to understand there are things worth living for, and, if need be, dying for. The Russell of my youth was not a place of wealth. Yet it was generous with the values that would shape my outlook and the compassion that would restore life's richness after I had begun to doubt my future following the war. Ever since, I have tried in my own way to give back some of what the town has given me. I have tried to defend and serve the America I learned to love in Russell."

    "Think I'll win. Could be big."

    "Something is wrong with America. I wonder sometimes what people are thinking about or if they're thinking at all."
    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
    1. Never tell everything you know.
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  7. #707
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    lmao... very nice contributions to the bob dole thread..

    bob dole likes your style!

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  8. #708
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    thank u for nice BOB DOLE one liners he is good speaker mre entertaining than other polician i wud vote for him if i cud.
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  9. #709
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Gotta love a politician that promotes an erection!!

    bob dole viagra ad.jpg
    There are TWO rules for ultimate success in poker:
    1. Never tell everything you know.
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  10. #710
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Oct 2012
    hahaha, bob dole boob dole ,bobo dole, bobo dole
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