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Thread: bar joke

  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteren
    Join Date
    May 2012

    bar joke

    A man sat down at a bar and told the bartender, "I bet you three hundred dollars that I can piss into the cup all the way over there on the other side of the bar and not miss a single drop."
    The bartender said, "There is no way you can do that. Sure, I'll bet you three hundred dollars."
    The man then begins to undo his pants and begins pissing. He starts pissing all over the bar, spraying on the bottles and the bartender, not making a single drop in the cup.
    The bartender starts smiling and laughing and says, "That's it, you owe me three hundred dollars."
    The man then gets up and walks over to the pool table and starts laughing and shaking hands with the men standing there. He walks back to bar, sits down and starts laughing at the bartender and hands him the money.
    The bartender asks, "Why are you laughing? You just lost the bet."
    The man said, "I'm laughing because I bet those guys over there one thousand dollars that I could piss all over you and your bar and you would still be laughing when I was done."

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    lol. this is nice. i think we should post something better and more sexy. maybe even some dirty jokes.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteren
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    haha thats interesting how did he know the bartender would be laughing with piss in his mouth?

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