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  1. #11
    New Member
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    i am someone who loves to play poker, (alot, and seriously) lol, however, i love more when people play it properly too. One thing that i cannot abide by is bingo play, as it is so very friggin fustrating when you play the best hand only to b beaten by a bingoed bad beat!

  2. #12
    ofg is offline
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    I think more and more people end up losing in poker and know its hard to stay consistent in poker. Thats why you see so many stop playing poker. Only a few really survive and end up being big winners.

  3. #13
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    I agree with TKD55.

    As I get more serious for life, I tend to never drink beer, or smoke weed for that matter, in the morning. The same ideal can be measured as an ordeal for quiting when your AA or KK gets beat.

    Some ppl just don't have the clues needed to fold them. When 3-5 ppl go all-in in front of me when I have AA, I usually fold.

    P.S. He's not talking about the RNG, he's just talking about ppl who play the same hands thinking they're good. These ppl probably play the same types of games as well. Idk, if it's karma or anything like that but if you play to the swing of the RNG, you're asking for trouble.
    Last edited by eqgh5uea; 12-21-2012 at 03:23 PM.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro
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    no matter how good you are, there are bad beats in poker.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKD55 View Post
    Read the thread over again lol
    and btw i have rarley played ANY carbon freerolls here neither any of the others i decide to playone every month or so and its not like im tryin to win it ill just donk it away ( now the donking it away has NOTHING to do with how i play or what i know about poker i just do it because i really dont give a sht).... but that has nothing to do with the meaning of this thread ..

    now again just for you as you seem to be one of them....:::
    AND to all the idiots thinking aa and kk are always the nuts no matter what flops quit poker right away please
    So again thats why i say your post is irrelevant. If your not trying to win then why play? isnt that the goal for everyone besides having fun? it isnt like its really free, you have to earn or buy the points, which takes time or no it isnt free!!!

    It has EVERTHING to do with this thread.. its people like you who ruin the game cause you just dont give a shit.. So your not looking to get better or win? so bother with this post or playing? Talk about weird!! All i know is i have played enough live to know you wont get rewarded the way online rewards bad play, plain and simple i have put in the time over the years. Maybe cause live your body betrays ya i dunno but online poker is really different then live..

    Yeah why should a hand thats a 70 to 99 % favored win? why should it win anywhere near what odds say it should? Not talking about calling a 4 way allin with AA or KK cause for me thats an easy fold , you are no longer the huge favorite you would be against one player..

    So why does everyone go after the player who lost with best hand? does it really make sense to degrade them? when they made best play with best hand and lose. Um no , it would be nice for some to be with you instead of against you.. It would be nice for others to say sorry for your bad luck, that player had no business in that pot to begin with. I have found just the opposite here tho. people want to jump on the person who lost with best hand and its always o u must have played it wrong even if you played it right.

    Bitching and poker go hand in hand and will never not go that way. so to all those who jump on the person who loses with best hand. try having some compassion for them. I could see if someone came in bitching that there donk style was losing with 79 against AA but for AA to lose to 79, AA has to be VERY unlucky and 79 has to be VERY VERY lucky, but online this just isnt the case 90% of the time..

    So i say it is you who should step away from the keyboard rather then post something so stupid like this thread LOL Online(and live) bad beats are going to happen, people are going to bitch, whine and complain and if you cant handle it get over it or go away.. Hell the best player in the world bitches when he takes a bad beat. How many other games can you think of to where you play perfect or at the very least a dam good game and lose to someone throwing a basketball over there head behind there back to beat you? Not many games you can dominate and lose but poker is one of them so you are going to have people bitching.

    So if you barley play then what right do you have to whine about others whining over a bad beat? LOL I guess if USA or any other free country you have that right(to your opinion) but not the right to tell someone else to quit poker cause they got bad beated. With your second post you confirmed what the first post made people think of you LMFAO straight out IGNORANT!! lol
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    All in evrytime any hand i will take u down sucka

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Pro
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    poker is more and more like bingo these days

  8. #18
    Experienced Member
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    In a perfect world - poker would be a zero sum game. Your results at the end of your session would equal the sum of the true EV all your decisions.

    One major caveat of poker is that you only stand to make signifigant +EV decisions if your opponent also is capable of making the equivalent -EV decisions consistantly. If your opponent doesn't make mistakes, your not going to make money off him. Even then it might take your whole life for your sample size of games to balance out and equal your expectation.

    Poker's skill element requires that you also never become results orientated. You should always make the mathematically correct move. You could make the right move a 100 times in a night, 100% of your hands and be down 10 buyins. Unlikely - however it is still a mathematical possibility.

    Results orientated mindset = I won the pot so I did the right thing
    Logical Mindset = I won the pot and called with mid pair, however he had an open ended straight draw + two overcards and it turned out to be a coinflip. I stand to make no money from that decision in the longrun - we both actually lose money no matter what with the rake.

    Just remember poker doesn't guarantee that you will make money. It gives you an edge if you really are good, but there are never any guarantees that the results will corellate with your expectation in your lifetime.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Wow... the only thing that comes to mind after reading some of the posts here is..."It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." @Tommy: are you 12 or something? Or just a retard that acts 12...Maybe both
    He who makes a beast of himself takes away the pain of being a man

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Good post Noct18
    He who makes a beast of himself takes away the pain of being a man

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