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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran PursuitofPlay's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    Who wants to play poker for real?

    These are freerolls on this site, granted. But the main reason I sought out a forum with like minded players was to improve my game. I want to get better, so let's all play like were trying to get better instead of looking for the thrill of donking someone and screwing around. Lose the excuse of, "Oh it's a freeroll" and let's play for realz!

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    there are plenty who play for real usally at ft though
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

  3. #3
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PursuitofPlay View Post
    These are freerolls on this site, granted. But the main reason I sought out a forum with like minded players was to improve my game. I want to get better, so let's all play like were trying to get better instead of looking for the thrill of donking someone and screwing around. Lose the excuse of, "Oh it's a freeroll" and let's play for realz!
    You wanna play for real? Then put in the volume needed to build a BR, and start playing real money games. Keep building your BR to get you to the point where the competition better suits you. I talk shit all the time about players in the FR's, but in the long run I enjoy winning more than my share of the money relative to the field size. So many people here play terribly, I will give you that; however, just as many players here think they play great that really play absurdly bad as well. If you can't build a BR from here in 3 months, then your either aren't playing enough games, or you just plain suck. Either way, glgl.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    As a person who lives to play live, and does play live poker, heed my advice about the pokerowned freeroll games. These games are still poker in every right , but there is a certain level and quality of these games, that do not compare to slightest in actual casino or "poer room" play. These are more compared to a scial gathering match, or a friendly home game if you will

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2012
    I think it gets pretty competitive once it gets down to 30 or less

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    May 2013
    Sure you're gonna have a few crazy players that suck and make donk calls. but if you reach the FT at least half are
    ft regulars that are good players that consistantly cash. you want those donk call in long run

  7. #7
    Experienced Member
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    Jun 2013
    When I started playing back in 2008, i played Pokerstars. I learned by playing in Poker School Online. I was very competitive and ranked very highly. I learned to play in the most filled tournaments available.

    Heck I even won a tournament ticket to play in the $1 Million tournament by beating out 10,000 other players to qualify in 108th. Not once but twice. And then Black Friday come, and guess how much my ticket was worth?


    So says that I want you to understand that it is the "Nature of the Beast" and you have to learn how to play in it or get out of it.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God
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    Sep 2012
    Good play is often at a final table. The reality is, the donkish play is kind of inevitable because not only is it a freeroll, but it's turbo.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Depending on the field the final two tables could be fun. Sadly tho way too many do consider these actually freerolls, even tho you are spending your time/money to get points, therefor NOT FREE. but you are going to have more then half the field playing like retards cause they think its really free LOL Play with caution early on
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God
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    Oct 2011
    i find that in these games the beginning is where you need patience - after first hour it is skill

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