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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    What is your favorite variation of poker?

    There are many different poker games...what's your favorite?

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member lulabell79's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    I like this game:

    2-7 draw There are 2 variations, single draw and triple draw and the object of the game is:

    2-7 Lowball is a Draw game in which the object is to make the worst poker hand possible. In 2-7 the deuce is low and the ace is high. Also, straights and flushes count against a player, therefore the best hand is not 2-3-4-5-6; rather it is 2-3-4-5-7. There are four possible “sevens” a player can make, and they are labeled #1, 2, 3, and 4. Number 1 is the nut 7 mentioned above, #2 is 2-3-4-6-7, #3 is 2-3-5-6-7 and #4 is 2-4-5-6-7. As you can see, the strength of the hand is determined downward, working from the highest card first. Therefore 4-5-6-8-9 would beat 2-3-4-5-T. When both players end with pairs, the lower pair wins, when both players end with the same pair, the lower kicker wins. Once again, if a player has a hand of the same suit, it cannot be used as a low hand.

    There are two types of 2-7 lowball, single draw and triple draw.

    2-7 Single Draw - Single draw is typically played as either a No-Limit or Pot-Limit game. Because of the restrictions of cards in the deck, tables typically max at 7 players. Each player will be dealt five cards, face down. As in other draw games there is a dealer button, Small Blind and Big Blind. Action starts from the player left of the Big Blind. Players will fold, call, or raise during the first betting round. Once the betting round is over, players will then draw anywhere from zero (known as “standing pat”) to five cards, attempting to make the best (or worst) hand. Once all players have drawn cards, the first player to the left of the dealer button will act first. They have the option to check or bet, and all subsequent players will then have the options to check/call/bet/raise/fold. After this “single” betting round is completed, players will show their hands and the best low-hand will win the pot.

    2-7 Triple Draw - The second form of 2-7 is triple draw. This game is more popular in a limit format; however, it is still played as a pot-limit or no-limit game from time to time. Because of the numerous cards being drawn, this game is typically played with a maximum of six players. Also, if the deck were to run out of cards, the remaining discarded cards will be shuffled and play will continue. The object of the game is the same as single draw; however, instead of having just one draw, there are three drawing rounds. This makes for four betting rounds, one pre-draw, and one after each subsequent drawing round. Just as in single draw players can draw anywhere from zero to five cards. Players wishing to “stand pat” after the first or second draw can still draw cards in later drawing rounds if they deem necessary, otherwise they can just stay pat in future rounds.

  3. #3
    Experienced Member
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    2 - 7 sigle draw my favorite game ...i win tournamet on pokerstars

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    i think my favourite is still the old fashioned 5 card poker. its just so much fun, because you might never know what the other might have. allso like it with limit pos so there wont be any stupid people putting allinn all the time

  5. #5
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    NLHE...but i'm trying to learn how to play PLO

  6. #6
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    PLO (No splitting) is by far my favorite... You see so many newbies overplaying AA its sick
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    My favorite is Omaha Hi/Lo

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Master Kevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adan1 View Post
    My favorite is Omaha Hi/Lo

    By far my favorite as well. So many people play into a high or low hand expecting folds or splits... Wait for the hi/low combo hands and the pots get huge.

    ^^ Diablo 2 thing.. I spent many years of my life pissing off people on hardcore.^^

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran sampletest3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adan1 View Post
    My favorite is Omaha Hi/Lo
    1 HUGE reason I hate hi/lo. Getting quartered.

    For those that don't know what that is, normally you split the hi hand with the low hand 50\50

    But the problem is many times, you tie for the lo hand, so you actually get 50% of 50% which = 25% total (1/4)

    IT SUCKS.. especially when the other guy doesn't realize it and we both lose money

  10. #10
    New Member
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    I have to agree with GOTTOBEG, a good old game of 5 card draw is always a great game. But I have to say that the one that makes me the most money at sites,has to be of course,texas holdem. Lately the game of Budugi has been a fun game for me to learn also.

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