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  1. #61
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lorenz0wns View Post
    billions of hands have been played in online poker, why are we surprised about crazy beats? fwiw in the 2007 ME eastgate binked a 1 outer on the river in the FT to bust this guy is live poker rigged?
    Exactly my friend. Exactly.

  2. #62
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    Oct 2013
    All poker has odds, if you cant afford to lose a buyin you shouldn't play... and I mean that from a bankroll perspective

  3. #63
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheChipTrap View Post
    We've all heard the "rigged" debate. But when people say online poker is "rigged" in what way do they mean? Like, they have a personal agenda versus certain players and make sure they lose? WTF do people mean exactly? And, what would be the purpose of a site "cheating" player vs. player when neither represent or work for the site?

    Please explain in what ways you or others think the site is rigged. And, what you think the site has to gain by cheating players.
    Monster hands against each other or monster hands v suckouts creates more rake. Meaning more money for the company. I don't believe any poker site would do it because if people had "concrete" evidence they would be doomed. That being said when I run bad I bitch about it.

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dominator3 View Post
    Monster hands against each other or monster hands v suckouts creates more rake. Meaning more money for the company. I don't believe any poker site would do it because if people had "concrete" evidence they would be doomed. That being said when I run bad I bitch about it.
    My thing is, if you leave hands to be random (like live poker), you are going to see some suckouts and some AA vs. KK. You don't have to do anything to the software but leave it on random for this to happen. Someone's gonna play that 4-5 off suit and flop the straight vs. AA. It's hard for me to believe the majority of people complain about online beats play much live poker. I play live $1/2 an $2/5 ALL THE TIME. I see suckouts/bad beats happen EVERY SESSION. Of course I see it with less frequency because we get dealt ALOT less hands in an 8 hour session than I do multi-tabling for 2-3 hours online.

  5. #65
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    There are all sorts of reasons for people saying the old rigged deal. Most of them are just struggling to move forward in their own game and it's easy to blame the sites. I'll say that I can't always blame them, because poker can be a seriously frustrating game at times. People get wrapped up in bad beat scenarios that just seem to be impossible. Unfortunately unless you are 100% to win getting your chips in is a gamble. Perhaps you are a huge favorite, but 80/20 still loses. Them are the breaks!

  6. #66
    Seasoned Veteran t0k3nfr3nzy's Avatar
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    I do believe that OLP is rigged to enduce betting and thus build the rake but I dont think it ever truly favors any one player. Why would it?

  7. #67
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    nope, not true at all. it means theyre crying and a whiney lil bitch, FAQ

  8. #68
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Precisely feel that people who complain about being rigged were on wrong side of a bad beat. Think about number of hands being played here. Bound to be some horrific beats. However, does seem a little more often than normal odds would suggest with online poker

  9. #69
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    And i guess if i have to use the term normal odds then something may indeed be amiss. lol

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    ok poker is all random but what about some of the crazy shit in sports, like garbage 3's, garbage foul calls when game is decided lol

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