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  1. #11
    Experienced Member
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    Mar 2014
    Ur gonna want to have at least 40 buyins at whatever stake you play at

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I like full ring limit, which Merge got rid of. However, OP clearly doesn't give a hoot about BRM. The lowest limit of FLHE on Merge is .02/.04 and I wouldn't play it until I had $16. $1 SNGs I didn't play until I have $22. You know how I made that much?? Freerolls. It took time, but it was easy and gave me a bankroll I could comfortably play with to not go bust. I may not make much money, but I'm not losing any of my own money.
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  3. #13
    Experienced Member
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    Apr 2014
    i cant tell you how many people i know that cash out big all the time but as soon as they do and have a small bankroll they go broke...bankroll management is very key part of the game

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    smart thinking my luck is just horrible they are trying to give it to me and sites won't let them

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2014
    I'd suggest having at least 30 buy ins to start a level. Some people insist on 100, but I think 30 is enough. I started $1.10 SnG with $30, then the $3 SnG at $100.

    It's important to have a lot of buy ins, because bad variance CAN and will get you, no matter how good of a player you are. You gotta have the cushion to stick it out. If you move up ranks quickly, you will bust out.

    When you're in the micros, don't think of it as making money, think of it as gaining experience. You want to stay there as long as you can.

  6. #16
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Apr 2013
    Unless a player is a robot playing with scared money is going to negatively effect decisions. I consider myself a pretty good limit player; I've made thousands playing LHE. But I've never been able to win when I've had only a few buy-ins. I think that bankroll management is crucial.

  7. #17
    Experienced Member
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    Apr 2014
    all right lets try another freeroll I don't know how to play online I guess cause I played professionally for a year of live poker and did very well. I cant beat stupied I guess.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Feb 2014
    well I've since turned a 1.60 cash and a subsequent .40 cash in my only 2 freerolls in bovada into 14.70 playing limit and taking chances on $1 sng's so if you play very disciplined its a viable strategy. Got a bit of cushion now so well see how it goes. Building rolls on new sites from scratch is always fun. In limit you have to just only play really premium hands with a low roll people will call with anything in limit and you can often win anywhere from .5-$1 in one hand very easily with all the calling stations and newbie players who don't really know what they're doing.

  9. #19
    New Member
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    Apr 2014
    I have made the mistake a lot of increasing my stakes too fast. For example, I on average win a heads up sit n go about 60% of the time which is pretty profitable in the long run, but if I were to bet my entire bankroll every time which I have done before, I still obviously lose eventually. If I bet responsibly and try to keep at least 10 buyins on hand in my bankroll, I do pretty good.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    I like full ring limit, which Merge got rid of. However, OP clearly doesn't give a hoot about BRM. The lowest limit of FLHE on Merge is .02/.04 and I wouldn't play it until I had $16. $1 SNGs I didn't play until I have $22. You know how I made that much?? Freerolls. It took time, but it was easy and gave me a bankroll I could comfortably play with to not go bust. I may not make much money, but I'm not losing any of my own money.
    sound advice, the steady freeroll grind buildz character...and iz fun
    Like a puzzle with no edgez. 18:12 <PooffyFooffy> I miss Zab .!. 23:49 <RaiseWinPotFold> i miss invertedafro .!.

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