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  1. #11
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I love to make a weak lead against loose aggressive players when I flop a monster. Say he raises in mid position and I call from bb with 66 flop is A63 offsuit. I will, at times just make a min bet or 1/3rd pot bet hoping he thinks I am just trying to see a cheap turn. If he raises me the size of the pot, I will usually reraise him (sometimes all in too, depending on the stack sizes of course) hoping he caught that ace on the flop for a top pair hand. They often will call your all in and need to hit a runner runner to beat you. If you check raise on that flop though an intelligent opponent can pick up on the possibility that you flopped a set and get away from his hand. I never check raise a set on the flop and a min check raise on a board that is draw heavy is a huge mistake in most cases. Why let him in with a min raise, let him catch his draw, and then end up getting all in on the turn as a 3 to 1 underdog. Don't make a mistake like that.

    In regards to timing out, I don't really think that is good sportsmanship. You are not going to catch me with that ploy as I watch intently at anyone who times out before I make a bet of any significant size. The quick bet when weak play can be picked up on too if you know your opponent's normal style of play. This is the similar strategy as making what is called a stop and go play. You call preflop with a short stack and then push on the flop hoping that either your opponent missed the flop and did not have a big pair preflop when he raised initially or that he completely missed the flop and is folding a hand that is actually ahead post flop (although he does not have a pair, his ace holding is still the higher hand). You need to know your opponents in both of these situations though before you try it as it can backfire fairly often when your opponent picks up a draw.
    Last edited by weewayz; 12-09-2013 at 01:24 PM.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    my trick is going allin and losing. everytime dont getme stated on carbon.

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