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Thread: Struggles

  1. #11
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abwil2 View Post
    The formula for winning isnt the same everytime you play online. No one has the game mastered. When you get bored , right at that minute you become a losing player. You know what it takes to be a winning player but get bored and start spewing knowing your bored. If you cant play for more then 20 minutes without getting bored then maybe poker is NOT for you. Poker is a game of patience and unless your only going to play 20 minutes at a time(ring games) your going to stay a losing player. Im sure poker isnt the only thing that bores you after a short period of time either, i bet your a channel flipper too lol. None of this is meant to be mean but you seem to know what your problem is but at the time refuse to act accordingly. Try doing other stuff while playing poker if you get bored that easily, like checking emails, doing facebook, something that occupy's your mind. Hope you find something that helps!
    +1 Ring game = strategy---tourney = tactics.
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Boredom is a serious threat to anyone's bankroll. This is one reason I multi table. A run of bad luck is a different thing, we all go through it, control of not compounding the losing streak is what it's about. Take a few days off, when you come back you may find yourself still in the downswing but hopefully you want be in a "Don't give a damn attitude" and can play through without losing your whole bankroll. Just my thoughts.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God Paisleysky's Avatar
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    When I get bored I take a break and go play one of my online role playing games instead.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abwil2 View Post
    The formula for winning isnt the same everytime you play online. No one has the game mastered. When you get bored , right at that minute you become a losing player. You know what it takes to be a winning player but get bored and start spewing knowing your bored. If you cant play for more then 20 minutes without getting bored then maybe poker is NOT for you. Poker is a game of patience and unless your only going to play 20 minutes at a time(ring games) your going to stay a losing player. Im sure poker isnt the only thing that bores you after a short period of time either, i bet your a channel flipper too lol. None of this is meant to be mean but you seem to know what your problem is but at the time refuse to act accordingly. Try doing other stuff while playing poker if you get bored that easily, like checking emails, doing facebook, something that occupy's your mind. Hope you find something that helps!
    My attention to poker comes and goes. I've played hours on end and won tons all while completely enthralled. I'm not really a channel flipper because there are only select TV shows I'll even bother to watch. I can play xbox for all day and all night and never be bored. I run into boredom with poker when either card dead or when i'm at a table with no action. I realize that the later should make me find another table, but many times there isn't another table available or they are all the same situation.

    Thanks for all the input everyone.
    When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    abwil2 I completely agree, He knows exactly what hes doing wrong yet when in the moment its like his brain has a complete melt-down forgetting the complete basics. All players struggle with the same issues, However MOST do not see exactly what they are doing wrong. You seem to know exactly what you are doing wrong but refusing to take action! If I tell my kids not to stick their finger in a electrical plug and they do it they know the consequences. If they continue to stick their finger in the electrical plug then they are retarded or a gluttin for punishment. (My Kids only put their finger in the electrical plug ONCE! Learning your lesson is the hardest part)

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
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    Everyone, so far, has pretty much covered their thoughts with boredom and poker. If we are avid poker players, we have all been through it at some point, but knowing when to take a break is sometimes clouded by the will to win. As Liz had mentioned. learning the lesson is the hardest part...and not only with poker.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Pro kingkowboys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 666LIZ View Post
    abwil2 I completely agree, He knows exactly what hes doing wrong yet when in the moment its like his brain has a complete melt-down forgetting the complete basics. All players struggle with the same issues, However MOST do not see exactly what they are doing wrong. You seem to know exactly what you are doing wrong but refusing to take action! If I tell my kids not to stick their finger in a electrical plug and they do it they know the consequences. If they continue to stick their finger in the electrical plug then they are retarded or a gluttin for punishment. (My Kids only put their finger in the electrical plug ONCE! Learning your lesson is the hardest part)
    The reason that I continue to make this mistake is probably because I want to build a bigger bankroll to a point where I can build and withdraw, build and withdraw. At this point withdrawing $10-20 is pointless. This takes time so I try to grind through the boredom. Unfortunately this is leading to losing play and i'm destroying bankrolls. I think I'm coming to a realization that I play for fun and I should only do so when I am having fun. I think i'm going to worry less about my bankroll and winning/losing, and more about my play and the enjoyment.
    When I looked up "Ninjas" in, it said "Ninja's can't be found" Well played Ninjas, well played.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    So in other words LOL (Dont hate me for saying this) are want it all Now........All Poker Pros must pay their dues before it comes. Poker is a game of patience and endurance. You have told me that you struggle with both.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    "Insanity", Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Don't how much poker you play(time wise) but I'm a freeroll/micro player. I probably grind on average a $100 to $150 dollars a month. Not a lot of money to most people, but being on Social Security it's about 10% of my monthly income. I'm kind of like the guy in "Rounders" that grinds the low stakes instead of trying to make the big kill. Not saying either one is better,,,just saying

  10. #20
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    set yourself a time limit for playing, or play real dealer cash games. The real money (live) cash games are more attention keeping.

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