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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Coach27 View Post
    Ferguson is a POS, Lederer too and believe it or not alot of the Top Pros were behind creation of WPT in order to bring in new players to poker so they could Prey on them (matasou, Negranue, etc) it was all about new money going to the top because the WSOP wasn't enough back in the day... Alot of these guys are greedy.

    GL in your journey, anything is possible if you focus on the Goals set 1 at a time...
    I dont understand whats wrong with the WPT?
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  2. #12
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by nab76 View Post
    maybe you could go in to more detail about what the ferguson challenge exactly is, he did one that was like 0-10k and another that was like $1.0-25k or something, so if you could give us the details on what your doing it would prly get us more interested in following you, what are the bankroll management terms and starting/ending roll etc. I for one would really appreciate it, I love following serious grinders and their challenges.
    ditto on this, enjoy people grinding out a challenge but when its vague its not exactly all that interesting to follow but gl either way

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Here is a link to the rules that ferguson used to go from 0-10k on FTP How to Play Poker Like a Donkey: Rules of the Chris Ferguson Challenge

    Also while I was searching I found a thread on cardschat talking about the challenge, it didn't have the rules it was just someone asking if they thought it was possible or just a publicity stunt, and here is one of the responses 3 months before black friday. lol I had to laugh and post it here for others to laugh as well.

    "In response to the OP; I'm pretty sure that Full Tilt wouldn't lie about how Chris Ferguson did it. They seem to be a reputable company and I doubt they'd risk their reputation for such a silly white lie."
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    lol its hard to read that post now and not think that the guy was being sarcastic but remember this was pre BF.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

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