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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    If you would rather make excuses than work on your game, this is the perfect article for you.

    It would be more beneficial to study and try to fix your leaks than focus on why you don't win.

    20:52 <onehotdame> sug ...your the most helpful of Mods
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Didn't need anything to me that I'm one....but thanks anyway

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Master budsfru's Avatar
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    That was a pretty good article.I wish i was more inclined to learn the math to make me a better player.Of course luck is involved.......

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssuglia View Post
    If you would rather make excuses than work on your game, this is the perfect article for you.

    It would be more beneficial to study and try to fix your leaks than focus on why you don't win.
    That's not the point of the article. It is impossible to mathematically calculate for player skill, thus it must be assumed that skill (and all other factors except the cards) are held constant. Under this assumption, he sets up a "luck" distribution, which, given the insane number of possibilities, will approximate a normal curve (due to the central limit theorem). This means that 68% of players will fall between the mean and plus/minus 1 standard of deviation, 95% within 2 SDs, and 99.7% within 3 SDs. It is inevitable that some players will land far below or far above the mean.

    However, I do agree with you, not everyone is the same skill level, you can avoid -EV spots by simply folding pre-flop, thus this article is nothing more than useless theory. I'm sure plenty of people will read it and then just attribute their previous losses to them getting the short end of the luck distribution (also not the point of the article) and use it as a shoulder to cry on.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Luck is a huge part of poker, to be a professional poker player you have to have the luck factor swing your way more times than not.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssuglia View Post
    If you would rather make excuses than work on your game, this is the perfect article for you.

    It would be more beneficial to study and try to fix your leaks than focus on why you don't win.
    I think your missing the whole point of the article but then again it doesnt surprise me at all.. What kinda leak can you fix if your big hands are losing to trash that you tried to keep em out of the pot with decent betting that normal players or decent ones wouldnt call no matter what. The problem isnt folding preflop as i can do that with ease. If i even remotely think im beat its a easy fold.. but yet again some think the cards will even out for everyone and as i suspected this just isnt the case. Some people are just luckier then others and at some sites you can be luckier then other sites as well.

    Plus with online the luck factor plays much more of a roll then live. Since you cant get the reads online that you can get live. Not saying there arent any reads online but they are very limited to bet sizes and such. Where as live you body can and will betray you at times whether you know your giving them out or not.

    Im all for improving my game but at what cost? You can get into some very bad habits online that you may start trying live that just wont work like it does online. I have looked over some stats from online pros and live pros and if you really take the time to look into it you will see that "most" live pros dont fair well online and online pros dont fair to well live. It's cause the game is just a different beast between the two. You just cant improve your game when suckouts happen. what can you learn from your AA or KK losing to 3 5 or any trash hand? I can and want to learn from mistakes and do at times go thru HH to see where leaks may be coming from or what im doing to cause them.. I know im not too solid at online cause i play like im playing live and it just doesnt work anymore for me. My live game im sure i have leaks but i fair ALOT better and have won quite a few games for good money and cash quite often.

    I also think ive been taking the game way too seriously online and think people should value there money like me which doesnt happen at micros, no matter what you value others dont.. a $1 game doesnt have the skills that a 100 buyin does. Yes there are rich donks who dont value there money either but there are alot less of them.. At the lower stakes odds seem much different but its mainly cause people will play anything at lower levels where as the higher buyins people will fold them marginal hands more often then the lowers.

    With all that said tho, you are going to have some unluckier then others. In order to have an average there has to be some on the high end and some on the low end and regardless of which side your on you still have to work on your game. Poker is a game to where no one has it mastered and never will.
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God
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    yes i think luck plays a big part of it thanks for the post interesting read

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro
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    man i lost with ak to inferior hands 4 times last night. live cash game. AH

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tta91690 View Post
    That's not the point of the article. It is impossible to mathematically calculate for player skill, thus it must be assumed that skill (and all other factors except the cards) are held constant. Under this assumption, he sets up a "luck" distribution, which, given the insane number of possibilities, will approximate a normal curve (due to the central limit theorem). This means that 68% of players will fall between the mean and plus/minus 1 standard of deviation, 95% within 2 SDs, and 99.7% within 3 SDs. It is inevitable that some players will land far below or far above the mean.

    However, I do agree with you, not everyone is the same skill level, you can avoid -EV spots by simply folding pre-flop, thus this article is nothing more than useless theory. I'm sure plenty of people will read it and then just attribute their previous losses to them getting the short end of the luck distribution (also not the point of the article) and use it as a shoulder to cry on.
    Yeah I probably should have been a bit more clearer about that. My point was that people could use this article as a crutch, or a shoulder to cry on, as you put it.

    20:52 <onehotdame> sug ...your the most helpful of Mods
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    very nice article. ive read ones with this same subject before too.IS TRUE, the cards have no memory too. BUt sometimes, when u are running bad for weeks, i ts hard to keep that in mind too. eventuually, u WILL start to run better tho, it always turns around. UNLESS u are truly very .unlucky. lol. well GL in ur games

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