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  1. #11
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    If you give me ideas on how to curb it, let me know.. I've done so many upgrades from marketplace, escrow, feedback, fraud check, background check..
    only way you can cut it out for good is going to ban all trading with people getting bans if they are found to be doing trading

    before any people jump on me im not saying he SHOULD do this im just saying that its the only way your gunna get rid, where there are traders there are scammers, and with the growing stupidity of members due to the member base itself increasing, its just gunna get worse

    but hey my opinion doesnt mean shit round here right
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  2. #12
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azreal1 View Post
    only way you can cut it out for good is going to ban all trading with people getting bans if they are found to be doing trading

    before any people jump on me im not saying he SHOULD do this im just saying that its the only way your gunna get rid, where there are traders there are scammers, and with the growing stupidity of members due to the member base itself increasing, its just gunna get worse

    but hey my opinion doesnt mean shit round here right

    Or I could do a middle man upgrade.. Who would want to be that middle man though.. obviously there would be a price (In points?)
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
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    Sorry for any losses, but can't say you weren't forwarned. 'Scammers' for lack of a better word, are smooth were one of those too, right? Everything starts out well, promises made, swear on a stack of bibles, my great aunt's grandmother's grave, give you my right arm, yadda fact, they even pay you back on time with a little extra. Till that one day it happens, they decide they have done enough to help you and move on to the next innocent person, because they want more, and you have run out of patience with them. Speedy was fantastic at paying me back, till that 'one day' occurred. It bothers me people want to take advantage of ANYONE, not just me, regardless of their own history.

    What I wish .....the ability to not have anyone make more than ONE account. Is there such a thing out there? That alone would curtail a lot of nonsense and maybe some of these children playing around with other's cash, will see this is how the world borrow, you pay it back..not, borrow and skip town, because you will be found and the penalty is far greater than having been honest in the beginning.

  4. #14
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shellabella View Post
    Sorry for any losses, but can't say you weren't forwarned. 'Scammers' for lack of a better word, are smooth were one of those too, right? Everything starts out well, promises made, swear on a stack of bibles, my great aunt's grandmother's grave, give you my right arm, yadda fact, they even pay you back on time with a little extra. Till that one day it happens, they decide they have done enough to help you and move on to the next innocent person, because they want more, and you have run out of patience with them. Speedy was fantastic at paying me back, till that 'one day' occurred. It bothers me people want to take advantage of ANYONE, not just me, regardless of their own history.

    What I wish .....the ability to not have anyone make more than ONE account. Is there such a thing out there? That alone would curtail a lot of nonsense and maybe some of these children playing around with other's cash, will see this is how the world borrow, you pay it back..not, borrow and skip town, because you will be found and the penalty is far greater than having been honest in the beginning.
    I already referred to this earlier in the thread, but honest to god what has sickread done in terms of scams since March/April?

    We let people back on the site who scam big time or write "Hey sorry for stealing 100 bucks I can pay you back in a month, but in the mean time still stake me", and they are PRAISED by people in the threads for "standing up and taking responisiblity" (even though they aren't, they are just alluding to it). Meanwhile, you can go clean for months but you can't shed the label. I don't get it, and more importantly IT DOESNT MAKE IT RIGHT FOR ANYONE TO GET SCAMMED REGARDLESS OF THEIR HISTORY - A SCAM IS A SCAM

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  5. #15
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
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    Oh, and by the way, SpeedyTchips still owes me $13.50 from March, 2013. This is one of those cases, I don't care if it was fifty cents, I won't drop it, till it's paid (even then that would be questionable) So, Sickread..if you happen to get some money back from him, would you mind asking for a bit more to pay me back? That might be the only way I'll see it. Cheers!

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivdee View Post
    I already referred to this earlier in the thread, but honest to god what has sickread done in terms of scams since March/April?

    We let people back on the site who scam big time or write "Hey sorry for stealing 100 bucks I can pay you back in a month, but in the mean time still stake me", and they are PRAISED by people in the threads for "standing up and taking responisiblity" (even though they aren't, they are just alluding to it). Meanwhile, you can go clean for months but you can't shed the label. I don't get it, and more importantly IT DOESNT MAKE IT RIGHT FOR ANYONE TO GET SCAMMED REGARDLESS OF THEIR HISTORY - A SCAM IS A SCAM
    I totally understand what you are saying..once a scammer, always a scammer? come on people, doesn't anyone remember hearing, 'honesty is the best policy'? Learn and understand what it means, for gods sake.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    zab you make it a requirement to have a active cell phone,sure they can change it but it wil cost them atleast $15 to have the number changed,im sure most of the scammers are low lifes that cant afford a cellphone unless they stole it,even then they cant make monthly payments

  8. #18
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    These same kind of people will do the same things in real life also. Overdraw bank accounts to the max or credit cards and never pay it back.. Its sad you can go to jail for writing bad checks but not for overdrawing an account or credit card and not make payments on them. Online Poker seems to attract the worst people as far as that walk of life. A Degen is a degen is a degen!!!
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  9. #19
    New Member
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    yeah me too so sick fo the bullsht why dont you stop

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Demi-God DocHo11idaze's Avatar
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    says the guy with 3 posts since november 2011 lol
    Turtleboooy: lol when i come on i think f*** that Doc guy but i dont know why...haha

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