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  1. #11
    Experienced Member
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    Feb 2014
    I know I am new to this site, but i do consider myself a decent poker player, and a pretty damn good omaha player. I wouldnt mind doing some coaching and discussing hands preferably any type of omaha.

    Danny Chang - Poker Player Profile thats my live mtt stats ( i know it's not much cashes, but there are barely much omaha mtts in the east coast)

  2. #12
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    On a side note, s810, even though you don't ordinarily like screen sharing, would you consider doing it in a situation such as in a BCP or Carbon freeroll, where you are being paid in points (enough to cover the entry fee at the least) in order to share your screen with those that pay the points?

    Same idea goes out to everyone. I don't see why you can't use the freerolls as a learning tool as well. Hell, I'd love to try my hand at one on livecam if any new players wanna join me and watch and discuss my play with me :P catching anothers mistake can be good learning too.

    I think I stated this? If you were allowing BCP/Carbon freeroll watchers, I'd definitely have the rule that you cannot play in the same tournament as me, if you are watching.
    "lol i just got a notifications leting me know a tourney is about to start and has 35 hours of late reg." - Drywallman3

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiberiussilver View Post
    On a side note, s810, even though you don't ordinarily like screen sharing, would you consider doing it in a situation such as in a BCP or Carbon freeroll, where you are being paid in points (enough to cover the entry fee at the least) in order to share your screen with those that pay the points?

    Same idea goes out to everyone. I don't see why you can't use the freerolls as a learning tool as well. Hell, I'd love to try my hand at one on livecam if any new players wanna join me and watch and discuss my play with me :P catching anothers mistake can be good learning too.

    I think I stated this? If you were allowing BCP/Carbon freeroll watchers, I'd definitely have the rule that you cannot play in the same tournament as me, if you are watching.
    The freerolls are a good place to start, but there isn't a lot of time where stacks are deep and lot of deep thinking when playing against "certain" players. If you would like, I'll screen record and commentate on a bigger game on Carbon and post it to Youtube. But I'd like to do this with only one table, so probably after OPS.

    I'd also recommend going on Youtube and looking up Gripsed reviews of big mtt wins from his viewers. He's probably a millionaire, yet he posts instructional poker videos and reviews of mtts. That's a great community as well and it's all free. I accredit him to a lot of my learning early on.

    Also, I'd recommend finding a low variance game (like DONs or HU) or play strictly PO freerolls until you have $100 or so in your roll, just so you can avoid variance of $1.10 and $2.20 mtts. I know this sounds like a lot, but with re-entries, it takes quite a bit to play within reasonable means.

    Yeah, I'm not an expert and I won't pretend to be. I've had some success, but it's not long withstanding and I don't have any major wins yet. Maybe soon, but don't think we're like pros or anything... yet.

  4. #14
    New Member
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    I don't think it's ever a bad ideal to get a coach to try and better your game. Plus you get to see some things u may be doing wrong or in a different light.

  5. #15
    Seasoned Veteran
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    It depends how you approach the game, people have different styles of play... If you use a purely ABC poker+mathematical %
    post flop/post turn approach the game literally plays itself because desicions are based on correct pot odds+ outs/%. That focuses less on intuition and reads... However with both combined you would have a more Phil Hellmuth Approach which is Sound but would be considered old Skool and get less respect from today's top players style and approach to the game

    There's a diff between Skill and Experiance. If someone excels at poker it's Skill, after you've traveled playing all over the US for years then you gain Experiance... Experiance is more important than skill because it gives you the ability to recognize being in familiar situations in the past and make the right desicion, where as skill you have to rely on making the correct desicion instinctually on the spot.

    Jasonv12 is 100% right tho, you have to study everyday away from the game to improve, learn new approaches to it, ask for hand Analyzation from experianced players etc. but ghosting somebody might not work because everyone's style varies...

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    FK Bof Dem Bishez, won't play me hedz up 4 Rollz.... I think they are a Bo Jackson....FREEKZ
    Like a puzzle with no edgez. 18:12 <PooffyFooffy> I miss Zab .!. 23:49 <RaiseWinPotFold> i miss invertedafro .!.

  7. #17
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jason is a beast, i would put him up against anyone

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayyaahh View Post
    I know I am new to this site, but i do consider myself a decent poker player, and a pretty damn good omaha player. I wouldnt mind doing some coaching and discussing hands preferably any type of omaha.

    Danny Chang - Poker Player Profile thats my live mtt stats ( i know it's not much cashes, but there are barely much omaha mtts in the east coast)
    I definitely endorse Danny here, not only is he a good guy and for a short time (had to quit because of school) a moderator at my staking site, I can accredit a lot of what I know about Omaha Hi/Lo to Danny, he basically taught me a lot of how you need to control your table, good hands to lead with, hands good for drawing with, etc. A lot of people know while I'm definitely good at NLHE, my strongest game (besides Razz which isn't popular enough to count lol) is PLO8.

    As far as screen share, I agree with Jasons idea being a LOT better, there are occasions where a certain thought process occurs that wont make sense right away, and can look str8 donkish, sometimes it probably is, tilt happens lol. Another example I can say right now, just had Q8s, 4 left to act, I had 8BB and raised only to 2.5BB pre. Why? I was still working on my table image, building up to super nit so it'll help my short stack play later on. I had full intention to call a reraise, unless like everybody jumped in with raises lol and guess what, the 4 ahead of me all with 4x my stack snap folded thats something I could explain in a prerecord video, not during live play. Obv crappy played hands will happen as well (stated MANY times, we are not pros ) I'd def want to cut those hands out. Lastly there are hands where I like my technique enough to not share them, after all we have to hold some kind of edge to stay up

    I'll continue to consider doing diff things as they are suggested, and as I have time to volunteer I would be happy to. GL at the tables!
    Always Remember Your Roots

    Makeup Owed:

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    sharking for mod

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
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    this is a great idea, there are many here who need some help. alot here need beginner help up to the advanced levels of cash and mtt games. some may just want to learn omaha razz etc. so maybe we can get our own thread section to post hand or talk about diff levels of mtts.
    <StephyMarieC> erik!!!!! yay you've always been one of my favorites hehe <scorcher863> i kinda want to smoke some meth, then play poker for like 3 days straight

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