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  1. #41
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2013
    yea I dont like the turbo style either, but what are u gonna do!

  2. #42
    PokerOwned God
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    Sep 2012
    I agree that the turbo style can be frustrating. Nearing the final table, almost everyone is considered a short stack, and any pots that are played, most of them have an all in going on. However, the turbo structure works best considering it is a freeroll. I guess if the payouts were larger, then adjusting the blinds and the stacks to make it deep would make sense. That's just my opinion.

  3. #43
    Elite PokerOwned Member WECpoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonv12 View Post
    I know that the tournaments are designed so that one can finish in time for the next one to start, I understand that. I also understand that our tournaments need to be somewhat turbo in order to accomplish that goal. *That* I am totally understanding of. However, one thing that totally drives me up the wall is the actual jumps of the blinds. There should never be a blind jump from 25/50 to 50/100, ever, ever. And while this becoming more commonplace in micro like 30 cent tournaments, I wish PO tournaments would do away with this.

    A structure of the 4 steps of 15/30, 20/40, 30/60, 50/100 would even be 20 times better and be a start in making the tournament run just as fast, while adjusting to make the blinds more within reason.

    Juicy, Lock, BCP, and Bovada are all more like this, some with a 40/80 step in between the 30/60 and 50/100. I wish Carbon, where the most money, time, thought, and effort is put into, could follow suit.

    This all said, others may not agree or care. I'm likely being very OCD about this, but I just feel like there is no reason why within 2 seconds, someone should be an average stack with 25 bbs and one second later be in push/fold mode.

    Comments, criticism, calling me OCD, and whatever else are welcome.
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavey25 View Post
    I agree and wish the blinds were a little slower....the only possible way of doing that in my opinion would be to spread the 4 tourneys about another hour apart from each other....I think it would be a awesome thing and would make it more like poker rather than racing after round 4. but in order to spread them that far we would have to have a really early game and don't think we would have enough users playing at that time.
    Quote Originally Posted by PooffyFooffy View Post
    1 agree, the turbo style makes me crazy. I prefer 12 min blinds with 3k starting stacks.
    OMG please leave the tournaments as they are. They are friggin $40 prize pools that pay at the highest $13. Why would you want a longer tournament for such small money. Just makes no sense. Play, bust out, move to the next one with the great schedule PO provides. Ridiculously long Freerolls will just drive players away.

  4. #44
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WECpoker View Post
    OMG please leave the tournaments as they are. They are friggin $40 prize pools that pay at the highest $13. Why would you want a longer tournament for such small money. Just makes no sense. Play, bust out, move to the next one with the great schedule PO provides. Ridiculously long Freerolls will just drive players away.
    If you read my initial post, you will see I never once requested the tournaments to become longer, but rather for small tweaks in the structure.

    I would love longer, deeper tournaments, but a lot of people wouldn't and that's fine and understandable.

  5. #45
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WECpoker View Post
    OMG please leave the tournaments as they are. They are friggin $40 prize pools that pay at the highest $13. Why would you want a longer tournament for such small money. Just makes no sense. Play, bust out, move to the next one with the great schedule PO provides. Ridiculously long Freerolls will just drive players away.
    Also there is a reason you've been here for almost a year and have won only $30 and it begins with that attitude because you aren't a bad player. There is definitely decent money to be won here or I wouldn't even be playing the freerolls, but grinding a bankroll begins with some serious patience that you are representing to lack by criticizing playing longer.

  6. #46
    PokerOwned Pro
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    I like the way it is now, but scrolling through the post majority agrees with you Jason. Actually there is very few who doesn't.

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Master
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    the games should simply be mixed some super turbo some deep some turbo...and especially we should have way more of a mix in the games PLO NLO PLO8 razz etc

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    How about we just take out blinds all together and we can just have 15 hour tournaments that would be awesome.

  9. #49
    PAY OFF YOUR LOAN!! dudemanstan's Avatar
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    I totally agree with everything the op said here, I have been wondering this same thing.

  10. #50
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKD55 View Post
    the games should simply be mixed some super turbo some deep some turbo...and especially we should have way more of a mix in the games PLO NLO PLO8 razz etc
    This sounds like a great idea. The more games the better. However, since nlh is the most popular, it could be, two nlh, and then the other two alternate daily.

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