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Thread: Poker snobs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Poker snobs

    I am so glad 2 be a member of this forum, cuz everybody is pretty cool. u can ask a question w/o having 2 worry about ppl talkin down 2 u. i'm a member of a couple other forums where u would think everybody was a professional player or sumthing, cuz of the way they act like u are a moron if u ask an honest poker question. i'm no idiot. i've been playing poker for 10 years, online poker for 5 or 6. i can dish it as well as anybody, but i just don't see the need 4 it. i've had 2 bite back a few times in those other forums, but i really don't like doing it. has anybody else noticed that at other forums?

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    hahaha yeah -- the common 1 is being called a donk , fish etcccc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- common this days

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jan 2011
    Yeah I've seen it GT. I'm not a big talker about strategies or plans for poker, believing that any individual has to tailor their own game to match their personality, but I always wonder about the poker snobs. If these players are as good as they believe they are, and as concerned with the improvement of the game as most forums claim, why do they not view an intelligent question as a compliment to their perceived ability.?
    Instead as Sam says, you usually get told you must be a fish to not know. The best part is, after insulting you they rarely,if ever, actually answer the question. Maybe they have to run off to a library and consult the books to give you "their" opinion!!!
    Most people here play a lot of low stakes online games, some I'm sure do well. I'm not sure if we have any real Players, meaning regularly rolling a thousand a week(still on the low end), but people will treat you decently and try to help, You do have to be able, as you said, to give and take a little crap talking as most of us have a streak of arrogance and sarcasm....both good poker mentalities to help deal with donks like me talking for ever. Good luck with tings and happy to try and help any time!
    Last edited by MrDignified; 02-22-2011 at 07:23 AM. Reason: missing word

  4. #4
    Private Mrs D's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Don't listen to Mr. Dignified .. he is a fish .. LOL .. Morning' Hon .. thanks for fixing the coffee this morning. Actually, I agree. I think it shows ignorance to insult those who wish to learn and muster up the courage to ask questions on an open forum. It's not just poker, though. Seems any forum I see nowadays there are groups of bullies that gang up on folks who post any kind of question or even opinion. Major sadness. Whatever happened to saying something nice or not saying anything at all?

  5. #5
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtrippp View Post
    I am so glad 2 be a member of this forum, cuz everybody is pretty cool. u can ask a question w/o having 2 worry about ppl talkin down 2 u.
    No worries here gtrippp, we won't tolerate people bashing each other!!

    This is meant to be a nice community
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    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  6. #6
    Master Sergeant
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    Quote Originally Posted by gtrippp View Post
    I am so glad 2 be a member of this forum, cuz everybody is pretty cool. u can ask a question w/o having 2 worry about ppl talkin down 2 u. i'm a member of a couple other forums where u would think everybody was a professional player or sumthing, cuz of the way they act like u are a moron if u ask an honest poker question. i'm no idiot. i've been playing poker for 10 years, online poker for 5 or 6. i can dish it as well as anybody, but i just don't see the need 4 it. i've had 2 bite back a few times in those other forums, but i really don't like doing it. has anybody else noticed that at other forums?
    yes i feel the same way as you do! i really enjoy this forum too defintly one of my favs actually it probally is! and i have signed up with alot of different forums in the past! this one has a really good commuinty!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    yes there are people that think they are the best.... its funny

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Pro
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    no problem here this is nice and lots of good friendly players

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    well,, i benn around some forums a long time,, i have one othr one tht i really like,,and now this one too, weeeeee lol. I had a fav one, before, but the ownder got some probs, and kinda disappperered on every1,, it was sad. we were all re ally close and had met some poeple in person too. but its all good, stuff happens. so basically i have like 2 places i hang out online now,, and a few nice ones that i stop in to say hi too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i enoy the forums on here as well, its a good mutual respect for those who wish to learn, and for those who "know everything that there is to know about the game" arnt good players, the games changes I'm still learning (still trying not to get busted on one pair.... as i did today... a mstake i must try to remove from my game lol) learn not to talk to much as i'm sure many have noticed lol. All the pro's say their still learning so why do these snobs have to be an exception? i just ignore them as you will indeed learn little if anything at all from them.

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