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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran ChipEaterMan's Avatar
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    Poker: Skill or Luck......And is it Gambling?

    Poker: Skill or Luck......And is it Gambling?

    I am 21 years old and addicted to gambling. I play poker and that's it. NO Limit Texas Hold em. I will win a lot online and everything then I will lose it all back. When I am in the zone and focused on the game I play good, and when I am not I end up losing it all. It seems that my big wins, or big to me like $1500 dollars would be gone over the course of a few days or in the blink of an eye. I don't get it. My dad who is a recovering gambler tells me all the time that its still gambling. I always argue the point that it is a skill game. And the debt I incurred over the past 3 years of 10K is due to poor bankroll management. I told him if I used the bankroll management principle I would still be alive and running right now. I tried explaining to him about how pros like Phil Ivey and Doyle Brunson are filthy rich and win a lot of tournaments. I tried explaining that if it was all lucky why would they have so much cash wins? He said TV/media does not portray there losses because then they would lose there ratings and people wouldst flock to the sites they sponsor such as Full Tilt or Poker Stars. I am curious to what you guys think? Is poker gambling? Is my dad right about how the media doesn't portray these hot shot poker players losses? How many people actually make a living as a professional? I mean the good ones, not anyone in general. How many good poker players, people who have won a decent amount of money online or live can go pro? I just need help, I want to stop so bad. Like jsut the other day I went to AC with my whole paycheck. It wasn't a lot only 300 bucks. But I got up to 500 at the Borgata. Then I went to Harrahs and made a bad play with my pocket queens pre flop by pushing all in and guy had aces. I need help. Someone please help. And I feel I am a pretty good poker player. Maybe I just need better bankroll management. Or should I just stay away all together; because those dreams of being a pro are all pipe dreams?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master NO9NOJNOKNOH's Avatar
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    if you play good then its all luck if you play bad then its all down hill from there!lol

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master NO9NOJNOKNOH's Avatar
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    skill vs luck=85% vs 15% good player vs bad player = 65% vs 35%

    me vs anyone= 80% vs 20%
    Last edited by NO9NOJNOKNOH; 07-24-2012 at 02:09 PM.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master NO9NOJNOKNOH's Avatar
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    No risk! no Reward! in life and on the tables,poker is a rough game, lIfe is a rough game,but in the end you must follow your Gut,

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master tval35's Avatar
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    I have struggled with this dilemma in a similar fashion. You have to realize that there is skill AND luck involved in poker. You can pretty much guarantee to be a losing player by playing terribly, but you can only increase your chances of being a winning player by playing well. In the short run, you can run well or run bad, but in the long run if you ALWAYS play well, then you will be a winning player. Also you need to know that bankroll management IS a skill, so if you don't have bankroll management, you're guaranteeing that you'll be a losing player. Hope this helps

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member vali1212's Avatar
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    dont know why but for me looks like is 50/ can have all the skill it takes and you find a player that hits everything...skill in poker help you to get out from hands not to win them,there is 80% luck.

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
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    My definition of gambling would be placing a wager on an event without knowing the outcome of the event. I believe poker involves both skill and luck. I would have to say poker is gambling based on my definition. While you maybe ahead pre-flop you aren't guaranteed to win the hand. A lot of poker pros already have alot of money, so they can throw it around.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tval35 View Post
    I have struggled with this dilemma in a similar fashion. You have to realize that there is skill AND luck involved in poker. You can pretty much guarantee to be a losing player by playing terribly, but you can only increase your chances of being a winning player by playing well. In the short run, you can run well or run bad, but in the long run if you ALWAYS play well, then you will be a winning player. Also you need to know that bankroll management IS a skill, so if you don't have bankroll management, you're guaranteeing that you'll be a losing player. Hope this helps

    Sounds like the biggest part of your problem is BRM.That being said you may also have a gambling problem if your willing to put your whole check down at a poker table or slots. You might have a slight OCD going on i dunno. When you left the one casino and went to the other you should have banked that 300 u started with and only played with what you were up. You have to be disciplined in order to come out ahead.

    What levels are you playing Live?

    Online IMO theres a little more luck involved since you cant gain some info you would live. Live its more like 80/20 and online is like 70/30 but it is a skill game if you can get past the micros online.

    You need strict rules to follow when you get up some like never putting more then 10% of your roll in play at one time.Never play for the golden ring, cause what happens to you will keep happening if your not willing to slow grind it up. Instead of flopping all your money down at a table and always risking it all...

    I dunno know you so i cant say at all if you really have a gambling problem or not but you definitely have a BRM problem
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran
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  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    There are way way way way way way way way way more guys that are losing lots of money, addicted, and ruining there life and other lives by gambling and playing poker. Yes you dont hear about it through the media as much as your should but that wouldnt be good for Poker in general and would damper the game.

    Yes there are programs out there to get ppl help they need just like everything else but the biggest step is STEP 1 and thats realizing you have an addiction and problem AND WANT HELP. 98% of ppl that are addicted dont and WILL NEVER CHANGE.

    Yes the media only protrays players like Durrr, Ivey ect since they are the top of the top but its VERY FEW. Out of everyone that played more than 15 events at the wsop this year only 7 of those guys won any money and made a profit.
    Of course more than that actually made money through buying action in other players and last longer bets but thats the number.

    Poker is a lot of skill unlike going to play roulette ect. Of course you have to have some luck and luck is involved in anything.

    Over a long period of time a year, 2, 3, 4 the percentage of skill increases and the luck decreases.

    If your just playing one MTT once a year of course there is skill involved but more luck to win it.

    Overall playing 200 live mtts or 5000 online mtts in a year I would say the percentage is 75% skill and the rest luck just to start out.

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