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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I say it a little of all combined. The ones that shove preflop with garbage hands and hit that is just all luck no skill or poker involved. Luckboxes and Donkeys. LOL

  2. #12
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    To deal with these players.. In a skill sense.. Is play real tight.

    End of thread.
    "Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you will get the results" -Oscar Wilde



  3. #13
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I say more luck online the way carbon does it and treats ya lol...

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2011
    its a game of skill that has a percentage of luck to keep the donks and average players to come back and make the game interesting. I think playing online has a larger luck/skill ratio than live poker but thats just my opinion. If you play 1 tourney, you can win and be a bad player and vice versa. It takes a large sample to see if you are winning or losing poker player.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LuckHuck View Post
    its a game of skill that has a percentage of luck to keep the donks and average players to come back and make the game interesting. I think playing online has a larger luck/skill ratio than live poker but thats just my opinion. If you play 1 tourney, you can win and be a bad player and vice versa. It takes a large sample to see if you are winning or losing poker player.
    I think you hit it there with the "I think playing online has a larger luck/skill ratio than live poker but thats just my opinion" I think alot of skill gets taken away online. It takes skill to read someone half way decent and even harder if you cant see them.. If you play with someone long enough online you can get some tells but not nearly what you can live. So online all you have to go by is betting patterns mainly.
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Sep 2012
    i agree takes both luck and skill too do well

  7. #17
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jun 2012
    well i guess it could be both, couse if you have bad luck but you have the skill youre gonna keep losing everything!

  8. #18
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Dec 2012
    I sometimes think that people on sites like pokerstars have complete disregard for the value of money.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Nov 2012
    Yeah, i found just a right place to post my previous problem with stars, and their so called site Integrity. I even regret that in the latest post's i said that stars is the best place to play...No...They all try to brainwash you, and it hasn't got anything to do with luck or skill, well mostly luck, because that's all what you can get..I've had an major argument with their support team...And they still kept saying - repeading the same shit...All the post's or links what they've sended to me from google review had negative comments, about the RNG-

    They are not even paying attention to read them

    PokerStars tournament all-in pot equities v. pots won - | Google Groups

    Analysis of 100,000+ hands dealt at PokerStars - | Google Groups

    Anyhow, have you ever looked at your hand history,that how many times you've got beaten up by stupid straights, flushes, full houses,
    damn even quads- even the simple pair can knock you out.
    when two or more players are dealt action hand's...wich they say that they do not bait players.

    message what i've got back from them little sample, can't post all of it.

    Not one person has ever found anything wrong with our software.
    We run an honest game and reject any accusation that we do not.
    As such, we see no reason to continue to debate the matter with
    you. We hope you will understand why we will not respond to
    future emails from you on the subject of bad beats and the
    randomness of our shuffle software. We will of course be happy to
    address any other questions or concern you may have. of the feedbacks that wasn't nice from google pages, but they still keep saying that their site is honest and shit....

    Things I noticed at pokerstars, anybody confirming or denying/explain,
    just curious:

    1. Probabilities

    Losing with 4 of a kind from straight flush.....What is the chance of
    that? Wait before you say more read on...

    Ok if it happens once a while, but if you keep losing 1 WHOLE night
    (not 1 freak time but regular always when you have a high bankroll)

    You loose with high hands from a slightly better hand..and cannot win
    1 pot for 4 hours (shifting 20 tables) even when you get numerous full
    houses,straights, flushes..always losing from slightly higher
    flush/str/lo/full...Result is you loose everything..and then with your
    last little money you go all-in and you win all subsequent 10
    pots..and you have a bankroll again...

    2. Prediction
    I can predict cards on pocket and they fall,get a good laugh at
    predicting hands in the way like: "I have jacks/aces, I bet he has
    full Aces/.." and then they have...then laughing my ass off..

    3. Flop behaviour
    When you have the highest card on flop, you always loose on the river
    from a shitty pocket..

    Just 3 to name...this only happens at pokerstars...tested this
    on the other sites...never on Partypoker,poker paradise, Ultimate bet,
    planet poker etc..just to name a few sites I played....

    If anybody can explain this saying it's normal I think they also
    believe in UFO's...

    fuck this, i hear all the time people complaining how they loose...i must be blind ffs this drives me mad, needed to spread it out.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    pardon me for my english 'speaking' it's not good.

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