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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Poker Pep talk to a friend about variance when they started complaining.

    A friend came to me and was a bit down after losing at the poker tables. Here is the speech I gave him lolz.

    Your problem is you think you can run good everyday. THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL POKER OPERATES LIKE THAT EVER!!!

    SOME DUDES SPEND 6 MONTHS TO GO FROM ZERO DOLLARS to $1600 only to be at $300 after variance kicks in. This is the light side variance for some I might add. Although it can and is different for everyone. But there is no question that variance will come. It always does. Nothing you or anyone else can do to change that. EXCEPT HAVE THE ROLL TO HANDLE IT AND CONTINUE MAKING CORRECT DECISIONS AT THE POKER TABLE AND OFF.

    Any ways when they drop from $1600 to $300 cause of variance they keep grinding and then they get up to $3000. Then variance kicks in again hits em for $800 this time. Now they at $2200.

    This how it works man and not you or anyone else on planet earth can beat variance period.
    The key is bankroll management, keeping your head about you, choosing correct spots, making correct decisions, and analyzing your game continually.

    Thats how you will become better at anything, not just poker and thats the only way you will do it.

    You may as well make up your mind now that your a gambler for life and be happy maybe scoring $200 here and there for the rest of your life. Or you can work hard and come out ahead. Anything you do is gonna take work to be successful even stuff you enjoy if you want to be better or get better and come out ahead.

    Mickey Mantles father was a coal miner , one of the toughest and shittiest jobs you can have and literally your back is broken by the time your 35 years old. Mickey said to his father when he was struggling to hit on phone he said dad i cant hit these pitchers up here in the bigs. His father said pack your stuff and come on home son work with me in the mines. Mickey mantle went back out and crushed the shit out of the ball. He made adjustments and did what was needed to come out ahead.

    Now lets play some poker bro. Are we in this for the long hall or do we just want to type in chat that we just won a gay $200 to people on poker owned only to say we broke again 2 days later? Not me man. Not me. WE GONNA PLAY SOME GOD DAM POKER FOR LIFE AND COME OUT AHEAD OR WHAT?

    As usual I had to toss in some humor !!!

    What did MC HAMMER SAY???

    "Either you work hard or you might as well quit" lolz

    Now thats about the best dam speech i can give you, what you do from here is up to you man.
    It takes work in everything you do in life including stuff you may enjoy. There is no easy or quick fix NONE.

    So now is as good of a time as any to start managing your rolls so that when variance comes we can take it and come out of it kicking some ass!!!

    FFS man i need to put this speech in thread!! lmfao

    Dam I'm good lolz


    JDS boobytrap spelled backwards is partyboob
    PooffyFooffy omg I need to play there more, were u in da game?
    JDS @PooffyFooffy no Pooffy its just a fun fact

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member shellabella's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Now, that's a GREAT pep talk.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by shellabella View Post
    Now, that's a GREAT pep talk.
    LOL I thought so, thank you

    JDS boobytrap spelled backwards is partyboob
    PooffyFooffy omg I need to play there more, were u in da game?
    JDS @PooffyFooffy no Pooffy its just a fun fact

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    very accurate and awesome pep talk!!!

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