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  1. #11
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    I don't know who owes who what and this is not directed towards anybody in particular. I'm kinda liking this idea though Rivdee, it might make it a little more of a priority for people to pay people back in a timely matter. Now I know life happens and people go into default(as I have myself before) for various reasons, and I understand that. It is my opinion though that just out of plain RESPECT and common courtesy nobody that owes someone money or points should ever be in chat bragging or talking about the current tournys they are in and how much money or points they are winning while they have a loan out in default. It's just plain rude and could and probably should rub somebody the wrong way if they are the ones owed. Unless of course there is an understanding between the two people involved. I've seen this happen all to often and it's just baffling.

  2. #12
    TON is Gone.
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sickread23 View Post
    I find it humorous that MM and Ton were two of the first people to post itt. PO is quickly becoming a bunch of gossipers/tattle-tales/busy-bodies. Some of the best members here are on the Wall of Shame a fair amount. I have seen really solid members here on the WoS for a couple of months. I wonder if it makes people like Rivdee/MM/Ton Nelson feel better about themselves knowing that they aren't one of the " bad people " in debt for 2-4k in points. As a loanee, if 2-4k in points is enough to make you get your panties in a bunch, then maybe you shouldn't loan people points. I can understand if loans go unpaid for months on end, and the loan recipient has shown not to GAF, but chill out folks. Imo, there are 2-3 self-righteous people itt. Guess most of PO is just scum. Maybe some day we can aspire to your level of Jesus Christ holyness
    Your complaints about the people who are concerned about this issue are a poorly veiled attempt to deflect from you own guilt. It should be pointed out here that the reason this is even being brought up is because of your unmitigated rudeness to the person whom loaned to you having the audacity to ask for and expect repayment.

    You talk about long term members being on the WOS as if that is some badge of honor that you are also entitled to, but take a closer look at the WOS and you will se that many of those members are often not even regularly here anymore. Many have run off never to be seen again, others come back infrequently. Yes there are some who are still here, but do you know how many behave the way you do? Well the only one I know of agreed with you in this thread...... OTHERS? Well they acknowledge their debt, keep in contact with the lender, and make a concerted effort to find the points needed and make good. YOU, you sit in chat for hours on end congratulating yourself on your almost cashes and min cashes in games that matter not a wit to anyone. If you had spent even one tenth of the time you do explaining how special you are, defending your false sense of entitlement, on productive things like radio loyalty, crowd flower, surveys... hell you could have had the loan paid ages ago. But no, not you... you are the mighty SR23, the best self proclaimed poker god that nobody ever has or ever will hear of.

    Here is a challenge for you, name three other people currently on the WOS that are presently behaving as you are regarding defaulted loans.

    What is most funny about your argument.... You are the one who sets and agrees to the terms of the loan. You ask for the amount, you set the number of days, you sit back and wait for the offers, you choose the one that suits you best. I'd love for you to point me to ANY other type of loan where you get to do all of that then just say "fuck it, fuck you, I'll pay when I want to." Do you even know how much of an idiot you sound like?
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  3. #13
    TON is Gone.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShipItSA1 View Post
    blah blah blah some pussys on this site like always stop loaning the pts tired of the cry baby stories get a life
    BLAH BLAH BLAH some degenerate wannabe net thugs who never have points, and when they finally do can't hold on to them long enough to make a BR always trying to live off the work of others. Get a life, get a job, get some skill.
    TON is GONE. Blame the Mods. They stopped caring, or at least that's how it looks and feels.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Demi-Goddess Tecate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CKC1UNV View Post
    I don't know who owes who what and this is not directed towards anybody in particular. I'm kinda liking this idea though Rivdee, it might make it a little more of a priority for people to pay people back in a timely matter. Now I know life happens and people go into default(as I have myself before) for various reasons, and I understand that. It is my opinion though that just out of plain RESPECT and common courtesy nobody that owes someone money or points should ever be in chat bragging or talking about the current tourneys they are in and how much money or points they are winning while they have a loan out in default. It's just plain rude and could and probably should rub somebody the wrong way if they are the ones owed. Unless of course there is an understanding between the two people involved. I've seen this happen all to often and it's just baffling.
    CKC, Riv, I agree with this. I have never had a loan or because I have never needed it, however should that time ever come, I would DEFINITELY make sure that it was paid off - IF I defaulted on it, I certainly wouldn't give he (or she) who loaned me the "Oh, Ill get it to you when I can, you'll just have to be patient and wait for it." I do know things have happened, and I have loaned to people who didn't pay back on time, but as soon as they saw me online they let me know that what happened that they couldn't pay back on time, which in turn made me feel like they weren't just out to screw me.

    That kind of attitude shows a total lack of respect for a person who offered to loan points to me, and to be honest it TOTALLY grinds me when I see someone I KNOW owes a loan bragging about what place they are in a tournament, or where they may have placed or cashed in something thing they played.

    PO is NOT quickly becoming a bunch of gossipers/tattle-tales/busy-bodies. PO is still a place to come and play poker, mingle and mix with fellow poker players, still discuss poker, NONE of that has changed. Banning a person's chat until a loan is paid, I agree it should be an option. As long as there is communication between the parties, and the lender thinks that there is a good enough reason as to why a loan is late, that is between them, but there is NO communication, (and I'm talking 1 week here), it should be an option, I don't necessarily think it should be an option available to the lender, unless there is a setting that won't allow it to happen for at least 7 days after the loan defaults.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    I like this idea if it doesn't force no communication between the two people involved.

  6. #16
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    its a sad day when u think ure a good member if you default regularly
    SR23 you are deluded if you thing long time member auto makes you a good doesnt
    as ive always said im an ass but at least im a trustworthy ass, the thing that boggles me the most is if its such a small amount thats so insignificant why do people borrow it at all if you dont need it why take it...especially when i dont really see SR23 in any of our games cuz hes always playing in the "big" games, so heres what i think

    you took out a loan in shark so as to be a defaulter and not a scammer (again)...take out a loan in shark..redeem points for bcp or whatever site u play on..lose it...think fuck it cba to pay back now...ill just lose access to promos and be on the WoS for a bit no biggie

    as opposed to borrowing the $8 bcp losing it and then being branded as scum for not paying it thats somehow worse than doing it the shark way O.o

    i agree ban the defaulting fuckheads from chat, add a lil option that comes up after 7 days of defaulting for the loanee to click that says "ban user" that will restrict there access to the chat AND change the colour of the username so people KNOW why they are not in chat it will brand them further and hopefully make them realise that they cannot get away with it anymore
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    I think its a great idea and no need to get worked up over sickreads logic, its very failed. When he got busted outright scamming a while back, his logic was everyone does it from time to time, when that didn't work, he tried to some how relate it to others not paying taxes.
    Regardless, if ppl actually read some of thse ppls feedbacks, alot of the debt could be reduced.

  8. #18
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poof View Post
    I think its a great idea and no need to get worked up over sickreads logic, its very failed. When he got busted outright scamming a while back, his logic was everyone does it from time to time, when that didn't work, he tried to some how relate it to others not paying taxes.
    Regardless, if ppl actually read some of thse ppls feedbacks, alot of the debt could be reduced.
    now poof u know its wrong to mention the fact he scammed a while back he doesnt like that
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  9. #19
    Zab is offline
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    I actually thought about taxing people for using the client.

    Losing your chat and posting I could do as well.. but what about that? I.E. if you want to log into the client, you get taxed 25 points that goes towards your debt
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    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I object to your statement riverdee, look at my case for example, I have defaulted on many a loan, but have no other screennames and always pay when late.

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