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  1. #31
    Corporal maniac00l's Avatar
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    May 2011
    how do u know how i taste? scared

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexKur View Post

    This man. He really putted 3 full stack (500) all ins with a trash like 3T or 49 and lost 'em all



  2. #32
    Corporal maniac00l's Avatar
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    May 2011
    that 3000 chip loss ur talking about had nothing to do with a few days before when i created this thread because of you, when you repeatedly bought in for 100 pos went allin every hand until you had a marginal profit somehow then leaft for 10 mins and came right back with 100 like it was no big deal.. and lets leave the fact that i like a strong buzz every once in awhile out of it.. big whoop wanna fight about it.. lol

    Quote Originally Posted by brayx13 View Post
    I would also like to add that i sat down at 10/20 HU with the Ma buy in 500 and within 10 won 2800 chips, so really who is to blame...

  3. #33
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    regardless if its just points or not poker etiquette is poker etiquette. Any one who plays should or does know this unspoken or spoken rule. So if they dont care yet they arent going to. BTW i have seen alex do this several times myself. I agree it should be set up like a regular ring game if you leave you must set back down with same amount you left with unless you go to a different table....
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  4. #34
    PokerOwned Demi-God RVCrusher's Avatar
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    fear no one

  5. #35
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    You should all calm down and not blame each other

  6. #36
    Corporal maniac00l's Avatar
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    i'm personally not trying to cast blame on anything but i guess the site, for it's flaw in the buyin/reload process. i can see the opportunistic nature of good poker players and it's hard for me to get mad at them maximizing their profits. at the same time there is a fine line and please if you care about the game... if you love it like i truly do.............respect the boundy of etiquette.. and don't try to walk the line. only johhny cash can do that... and most of you that attempt it are johnny broke for a reason..

  7. #37
    Master Sergeant
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    omfg...u disgusting man...points equal money. etiquete is on the playmoney on FTP. enjoy it there lol

  8. #38
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    NO ONE here now thats for sure. Its not about taking something way to serious or disliking someones playing style. You cannot goto a casino and sit with 100 triple up leave and come right back with 100 again. You will be asked to leave for sure. Hit and run is one thing for online poker sites when there are 75 tables running and you can move to a different table but when you do it at a single table its not right regardless of how any one wants to look at it. being a community makes it even worse IMO (which means nothing i know!!) Being part of a community is supposed to be about helping one another in being a better player and having fun but not at another forum members expense with a hit and run and sit again with minimum style. But im learning this isnt much of a helping forum with all the begging and bitchin at each other on the chat box. Altho there are some good people here
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  9. #39
    Corporal maniac00l's Avatar
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    I noticed that there are a lot of whiny bitches here, I'm not referring to anyone in this thread but you know who you are. I may even be one from time to time but if it's in fair taste perhaps borderline Hellmuth's Disease, it's not hate and that's what disgusts me about this site the most. It's that for every 1 nice poker player who can speak fluidly and stay calm and actually contribute something meaningful to a conversation, there are 4 more who have the mentality of 12 year olds. The ones that are quick to jump in with cocky comments (outside the lines of comedic value) the second they feel threatened, the ones that have little to say so resort to cursing when they get bad-beated and start talking shit every time they see you instead of moving on and just making a personal note of the player type and nick of the one that chased. Stop hating............................................ .. haters delete ur account until your mature enough to handle a community of your peers who share common interests.

    Quote Originally Posted by abwil2 View Post
    NO ONE here now thats for sure. Its not about taking something way to serious or disliking someones playing style. You cannot goto a casino and sit with 100 triple up leave and come right back with 100 again. You will be asked to leave for sure. Hit and run is one thing for online poker sites when there are 75 tables running and you can move to a different table but when you do it at a single table its not right regardless of how any one wants to look at it. being a community makes it even worse IMO (which means nothing i know!!) Being part of a community is supposed to be about helping one another in being a better player and having fun but not at another forum members expense with a hit and run and sit again with minimum style. But im learning this isnt much of a helping forum with all the begging and bitchin at each other on the chat box. Altho there are some good people here
    Last edited by maniac00l; 06-06-2011 at 02:57 PM.

  10. #40
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    see this is the bs i see and it kinda pisses me off.....not only is the points = to money but its far past that....for some1 to sit with 100 and push all in every hand is wasting his/her time...they will never have profit in real poker and they will obv be broke soon.....i wouldnt mind it so much but i enjoy poker far more than most...idk if its b.c of the game itself...or its the game with the skills i have with the game now.....i used to do that child all in bs when i was bored...but that was once in awhile...seems to me this person or whoever is doing it doesnt respect the game nor his/her own play...and honestly they are dead money....let it go b.c trust me when i say it they will be gone soon enough with no money and only tears soaking up their tissues

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