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  1. #71
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    i remember reading an article somewhere about some guy that'd stall til the last second and crushed people with this strategy. in big online mt's, it'd tilt people or make people have bad reads.

  2. #72
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    OK i will repost this at the end of this thread as well.

    1st off. I stall the BCP because of the small field size and the fact that I can create an almost 1:3 hand ratio difference from my table and the other. This means Guaranteed ITM basically as long as all things stay constant. If someone told you I'll give you $1.10 every day or you can roll this 20 sided die and if you pick the right number I'll give you $5 on the days you get pick correctly. Which would yall choose? I'll poll this ? for yall

    2. For those of you that say this creates a much longer mtt. Not really true. I'm the only one doing it and the other table is still playing at normal speed. so at best I can lengthen the time b4 FT by double maybe. which is a span of 15 20 minutes longer. If you are on my table I'm helping you ITM. If you are on the other table, your game is running at full speed so, you have no complaints.

    3. If all it take for you to tilt off and create a huge hoopla bout is stalling out everyhand, chit please play every sng and mtt I play. I would love to play vs tilted players. Come on ppl get a clue and adapt. If you can't adapt at poker, you are dead neways.

    4. $1.10 ( 2 .55c min cashes) a day is nothing to be scoffed at. That is $33 real dollars in your BCP BR at the end of 30 days for doing nothing more than stalling every hand til final table. Now for some of you this is no biggies. But, for most of you on this site, you guys/gals are always trying to rub 2 pennies together for a buyin or pts.

    5. If yall adapt to this strategy or take the pooffy's offer of getting bought in to make these FR's bigger. GREAT, I will adapt to, and change my game to suit my needs. YES, if everyone stalls, I have to play some poker. Yes, if these get past 3 tables you can not stall to a cash. SO, I will adapt. So, should you.

    6. It is considered bad etiquette to stall every hand. If this is you stance for how you play poker, you should probably pick a new game as, in poker the other guy/gal is trying to take your money bad etiquette and all. If this is all it takes to tilt ya or want to make ya quit. I'd suggest doing so. It will save you money and stress by doing so.
    That's pretty sad that you're so hard-up that you have to resort to this for a measly dollar a day. Plus it shows you have absolutely no confidence in your poker skills.

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