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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Exclamation People don't seem to think "bad beats" should happen in online poker. Why?

    It seems every single time someone loses on the river or their AA gets cracked they say something like, "What a joke!", "UNBELIEVEABLE", "So rigged obv", "F*** (insert poker skin)", etc. etc.

    First off, to many of these people, losing a hand of any kind is a bad beat. But even for the ones that are in fact bad beats....THEY HAPPEN. And they don't only happen online. I play live poker all the time in Tunica and other places and trust me, they happen in person also. Live poker has call stations, wacky flops and rivers too. Maybe people don't realize the more hands you see (obv. you'll see more online) the more chance you have to have something go wrong/ have a bad beat.

    I'm just so sick of people acting like a person should never come from behind. The hand isnt over til the river. I would also like to add, sometimes those "bad beats" are your fault for not betting right for that given hand or having the right table image to not get the risky calls made against you.

    Suck it up. Realize it's part of the game sometimes. And move on.
    Last edited by TheChipTrap; 10-18-2013 at 12:12 AM.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Dec 2012
    You are right about live poker having variance too. Online though, sometimes feels more like a flip than the 4:1 situation it should be.
    When you are sending your Soldier into uncharted bush, always make sure he's wearing a helmet.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    LMFAO too bad your always going to hear it! now 100 hands is 100 hands regardless of how quick you get there!! I played live 5 nights a week for 4 or 5 years and i can tell you i didnt see in 5 nights of live poker what i see in 1 sng(alot less hands) so go figure..

    Bets mean nothing to donkeys plain and simple, your not going to bet a donk off. There is no right image online, you can play abc tight and idiots will call raises just to try and beat your good hands with absolute trash!! I call them slot lever pullers cause they aint there to play skilled poker, they are there to gamble, so why not take their dumbass gambling self to a slot machine or bingo?

    I dont mind it too much anymore but i will call you a dumbass donk if you call a raise with trash or allin and i get bad beated. So deal with the ramifications of playing poker like a gambler and not a player!! Besides there is nothing random about the RNG's out there, using 50 to 100 decks per hand is not random, just shuffle the dam cards 7 times, do they not know how to make a real shuffle, they can design a 100 deck hand but not a real shuffle? come on!!

    If you cant deal with it thats too bad , just as you said suck it up and move on!
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Mar 2013
    I agree there are some crazy gamblers online that lead to crazy beats, but there are also a lot of people losing 60/40's swearing the suffered the worse beat in the history of poker. I guess again this comes from poor poker knowledge

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master
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    online poker has more bad beats than live games. you can play the same number of hands at both and it won't even be close. the RNG's can only hold so many hands unlike live where it will be more random. You wont be able to convince me otherwise.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    @chrisdione: saying RNG's can only hold so many hands sounds stupid. You wont be able to convince me otherwise.

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2013
    bad beats happen anytime wether its online or on the real table. poker is poker

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2013
    but bad beats do seem to come alotmore online lol...

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God
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    When I played on pokerstars, there were times that people said it was rigged and this and that, but I don't think it was as much as the people that say that carbon is rigged. It's always merged or merge special. I don't know, maybe it's just me. Still, ur right, bad beats happen live too, the difference is that you're playing so many hands online, the bad beats can come so quickly.

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    I personally sent a letter to my congressman about these so called bad beats. I said the people are growing restless and if we have to we will all sign a petition unless they stop and now.

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