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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God RVCrusher's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Omaha Hi low tournament last night

    So since im all done with finals, decided to go play this $30+$10 Omaha hi low tournament at my local casino.

    it was pretty fun, decent turn out..40 ppl or so total...and top 5

    i got involved in a big pot early on where i had QQ23 with two clubs and the flop was Q23 with one club, turn was the K of clubs, we got all the money in..3 ways..and to my guy turns up a set of like o shit! lol wasn't even thinking i could even be behind lol but my clubs were live and...boom river was a club so that saved and boosted me early on...i was just cruising..blinds were reeeally smaller..especially compared to my stack and just picked my spots and built up..finally we get to the final table...3.5 hours later!!!!!! i know..lolll so i have been pretty patient since we were down to the last 2 tables and really haven't played any pots at the final table, with blinds at 4/8k i looked down at K K J 10 and im iv'e been reeally tight and this might be a good post to just pick up some blinds so i can relax while the small stacks go at i potted it..was like 21k or something raise..and folds around to the small blind who hasn't really played any pots at the final table and has a decent stack, i mean there's a couple smaller stacks than him and he puts all of his chips in...and the big blind puts all of his chips in..which he was also uber tight and didn't really play a hand..(but when Justin raises you know 3-4 people are gonna be in the pot)...i don't know why, but it's weird sometimes..sometimes i still feel like when i was 18 and everyone wanted to break me anyways the reason i say this is because we are 7 handed and these two guys put all their chips in and one had JJQ9 i think which is i guess decent but i mean he hasn't played one hand yet lol and idk about that spot...the other guy just shows a bunch of low cards...LOL so flop is like A37...4...2...a bunch of low guy hits a flush and other has a low and disaster for me as my 40k stack is crippled down to like 12k i think or so..really dumb on my part, i know better than to do that with KKJ10 in omaha h/l..idk if it was the fact that we were playing for a while..or the fact i haven't played in a while because of school...maybe i felt like i didn't want to blind off? or maybe i was just a donk or maybe it was just a decent move but i just got unlucky...either way anything i think i come up with would be results im just going to look at it like i was lucky to still be in it from that like 3rd hand of the night where i got really lucky...and after i made that "mistake" with KKJ10..i still squeaked in there and made $102..we each gave $10 to the bubble..which i thought i was going to be lol..and my final hand was sort of funny..down to 5 and i had pennies and was trying to rally and had just a crap hand like 227Q and river was a 2 and the guy had a set of 9s and didn't realize was kind of a teaser LOL but was fun especially for not playing in a while

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Great job on the place.. This makes me wanna go play some MTT's.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I would own you in that game. you fail in comparison to my style of play


  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    i would really like to hit the casino, hard have to take a train and can only stay so late, unless i get the room. I'd rather sleep at my own home though. Unless im on vacation. GH

  5. #5
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    MTT's are awesome but im pretty lame at them, just placed in my first one tho so im bare excited and ting

  6. #6
    Team PO Pro sickread23's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Nice post op. Really have 2 say that good wrap hands with broad way cards are very difficult to pull off in a H/l varient. Guys in those games can go off with AAxx like crazy, and if they have even a rag low you are burning tons of equity. I know aggression wins, but honestly in the H/l varient of omaha its imperative that you start with a hand that you can comfortable play both ways. That way you can play uber aggressive. Honestly playing a hand like that is like playing kj in a 4 bet pot in NL.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    to start ur game with a flush is quite cool

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    i like high low better than holdem but i am better at holdem

  9. #9
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I do not like that kind of game I think Omaha hi low prefer complicated holdem

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    well very nice i go to casino but onlt plaed once poker found chips distracting

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