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Thread: my plan

  1. #1
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011

    my plan

    right this is my br plan/strategy to get into the 25K it might work it might not depends how strong my will is and how much my luck holds lol

    last night i came 6th in the po freeroll and since im low on points and in my opinion the first priority is VIP's i figured i would come up with a plan based on my br to earn as many vip's as possible in a short period as well as some profit

    credit to dalsue as his brm thread gave me the idea i just hope i stick to it

    so far im at $4 with 5 vips in the last 24 hours (only played 3/4 games this morning haha)

    my plan is this
    $0-$10 play nothing but fast fifty sngs (excluding the fast fifty mtt and the QQ)
    $10-$20 play nothing but $1 doubleup sngs
    $20-$30 play nothing but $2 doubleup sngs
    and so on with each $10 bracket i increase the doubleup size until i reach around $100 when i feel i can then flex up abit and play different games i will keep all posted with an update when i reach each bracket im hoping this will result in not only a good br but more chances to play the qualifiers for the 25K freeroll on the 26th

    as a side note even if i get a qualifying ticket i WILL still play the qualifiers because the way i see it this reduces the field on the actual night if only by a lil bit
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Sounds like a good plan, good luck to you!

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master BLINGBLAOW's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    good luck AZ, souds like a good plan hope u make it

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    All 3 post so far have said 10 buyins for a SnG is a good plan?

    Its ok in that microrolls are easily replaceable. Going broke (the likely result) is not gonna hurt too bad. That's not a shot at your game ... that's simply variance.

    Once you build the roll up to something worth protecting though you should adjust it to a 50 or so buyin model.

    gl at the tables

  5. #5
    Corporal CRKURNUTZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Nice advice from Bmeelneg. Good luck building your bankroll.

  6. #6
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    usually id agree with u i dont like fast fiftys that much however the aim of this brm plan is not to get a big roll quickly it is to get as many vips as possible in a short amount of time, i am indeed nearly broke again however i did earn the vips needed to enter the 15point 25K qualifier which was the aim...on top of which i am doing quite well *touch wood* sat 16th with 49 left if i can make top ten it will be worth it
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    sounds like it will take a year to get that 100 dollars, and if you end up spending all day and barely break even or youre down a bit, your going to tilt, I suggest playing normal poker at 2c 4c and taking shots until you get around 40 bucks
    play poker client 1/2 with me

  8. #8
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by b112895 View Post
    sounds like it will take a year to get that 100 dollars, and if you end up spending all day and barely break even or youre down a bit, your going to tilt, I suggest playing normal poker at 2c 4c and taking shots until you get around 40 bucks
    see above comment my very first line of the op states that this is a strategy to enter as many qualifiers for the 25K as possible, making money is just a bonus and its all free money so the worst case scenario will always be break even as i have never nor will i ever deposit
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    im pretty sure you have to get like 100 or 75 vip points to qualify for these.
    to get these points in a week you have to play 25 nl atleast
    you get 10 vips per dollar raked, you have to spend 20 dollars to get 1 dollar raked, so really if you were playing 100 nl and went all in and got called, regardless of the result, you would make it into the game, so really your plan shouldn't be about some stupid promotion, it should just be to get started
    play poker client 1/2 with me

  10. #10
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    well no... the qualifier i am playing in cost me 15 points there is another one for 50 then 100 then 250 and 500 seriously read up on the promos before passing judgement on "silly" ideas why would i go all in with $100 to get into a single qualifier when i could play micros and get into numerous qualifiers i do not make plans/strategys half heartedly i am no fool
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

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