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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Roller Coaster ride it seems this evening...

    3.30$ Timed Tournament #800698859
    Knocked out 192nd out of 617
    47.39$ - 3.30$ + 0.00$ = 44.09$

    Cash Game : In : -15$
    44.09$ - 15$ = 29.09$

    7$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    29.09$ - 7.00$ = 22.09$

    15$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    22.09 - 15.00$ + 28.58$ = 35.67$

    7$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    35.67$ - 7.00$ + 0.00$ = 28.67$

    15$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    28.67$ - 15.00$ + 0.00$ = 13.67$

    3.5$ Heads up
    1st out of 2
    13.67$ - 3.50$ + 6.80$ = 16.97$

    3.5$ Heads up
    1st out of 2
    16.97$ - 3.50$ + 6.80$ = 20.27$

    7$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    20.27$ - 7.00$ + 13.70$ = 26.97$

    7$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    26.97$ - 7.00$ + 13.70$ = 33.67$

    15$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    33.67$ - 15.00$ + 29.38$ = 48.05$

    All and all, played for 2+ hours, came it pretty much even, with lots more FPP's... Not exactly the outcome I would have hoped for, but happy I made it back from being down 40$ !!!

    UPDATED BR : 48.05$ USD + 30.91FPP

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Played a Bunch more Heads ups, and SnG's, ended up loosing a little...

    UPDATED BR : 30.00$ USD + 42.77FPP

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    May 2013
    well good luck to u in the future. hope it works out for u. your results kinda look like mine. up and down

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    An interesting series of videos from Jason Somerville where he tries to pump up a BR similar to yours via HU and SNGs. This is just the first one in the series that I found, but I'd recommend starting with #1 of Pump it Up.
    When you are sending your Soldier into uncharted bush, always make sure he's wearing a helmet.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by newdaddyhere View Post
    well good luck to u in the future. hope it works out for u. your results kinda look like mine. up and down
    Thank you, and yeah, I need to do some better BR management to not have my whole bankroll jump up and down each game, and to protect myself from going bust as well...

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamw View Post
    An interesting series of videos from Jason Somerville where he tries to pump up a BR similar to yours via HU and SNGs. This is just the first one in the series that I found, but I'd recommend starting with #1 of Pump it Up.
    Thanks, I will check those out !

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    And the rollercoaster seems to want and keep going :S

    1.50$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    30.00$ - 1.50$ + 0.00 = 28.50$

    1.50$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    28.50$ - 1.50$ + 2.80$ = 29.80$

    1.10$ Timed Tournament ( 15 Minutes ) #800698898
    Knocked out 638th out of 1235
    29.80$ - 1.10$ + 0.00$ = 28.70$

    1.35$ 7K GTD Knockout ( 0.25$ KO )
    2968th out of 9000
    28.70$ - 1.35$ + 0.00$ = 27.35$

    1.10$+R 60K GTD #801475915
    COMPLETE BUST ! + Rebuys
    27.35$ - 4.10$ + 0.00$ = 23.25$

    7$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    23.25$ - 7.00$ + 13.70$ = 29.95$

    7$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    29.95$ - 7.00$ + 13.44$ = 36.39$

    3.50$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    36.39$ - 3.50$ + 6.78$ = 39.67

    3.50$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    39.67$ - 3.50$ + 0.00$ = 36.17$

    3.50$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    36.17$ - 3.50$ + 0.00$ = 32.67$

    7$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    32.67$ - 7.00$ + 0.00$ = 25.67$

    15$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    25.67$ - 15.00$ + 28.78$ = 39.45$

    30$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    39.45$ - 30.00$ + 57.14$ = 66.59$

    UPDATED BR : 66.59$ + 62.21FPP

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Alright, guess I will do a little resume of what has went on so far, mostly for my personal satisfaction, but will share nonetheless...

    Total Tournaments Played : 40
    Total Tournaments ITM : 16
    Total Tournaments Lost : 24
    Percentage ITM : 40%

    Deposited : 48.42$
    Bankroll : 66.59$
    Profit : 18.17$

    All and All, not really good ITM %, but apparently making it ITM on the right ones as I still made profit.

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Not a big update, but need the 5 points

    Starting BR : 66.59$

    3.50$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    66.59$ - 3.50$ + 0.00$ = 63.09$

    7$ Heads Up
    2nd out of 2
    63.09$ - 7.00$ + 0.00$ = 56.09$

    15$ Heads Up
    1st out of 2
    56.09$ - 15.00$ + 28.78$ = 69.87$

    UPDATED BR : 69.87$

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Will definitely be following. best of luck on this. I always enjoy following these.

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Managed to screw up and lose 30$ in the last day and a half... Currently trying to grind back up with semi-micro games...

    Playing the 2.70 KO 7.5K GTD as I type this, hopefully will get me back to a decent BR Soon enough...

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