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  1. #41
    PokerOwned Master BLINGBLAOW's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    deffinitly go, u have a back up plan so ur all set, and like u said who knows what can happen in vegas. good luck!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Ok guys.. Got some information awhile ago and here some more BIG details.

    Ive found an apartment complex in North Las Vegas (safe area and away from strip but not to far). The apartment complex is called Broadstone Azure. I will be staying in a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom for 6 months. The rent is $685 per month not including water and power (which Im gonna add $100 more a month give or take).

    I will also be taking my car to Vegas Ive heard multiple things from people but this apartment allows parking and also has a bus to downtown (5 mins) which I will use a lot because Im not going to want to have to drive park ect everyday. (plus gas is expensive). Ill also want my cars on dead/non poker days to get away maybe go see hoover damn ect.

    I will be heading out August 30th and driving from Auburn, Al to Vegas and planning on just doing it in 2-3 days and stopping a few places on the way. Probably will stop in Austin, Texas have a friend there and have never been and heard its "great" college town so Im gonna check that out.

    I will be in my apartment July 1st. The apartment will not be furnished which is a pain in the ass. I have an explorer and will be renting a Uhaul trailer and taking my furniture in my current apartment to move to Vegas. (this is going to be the biggest pain in the ass, but whatever its part of the experience). Im already dreading the 30 hour drive and 1,400 miles on Interstate 40 pulling a trailer haha, but whatever its Vegas.

    Once moved in on the 1st or 2nd Im planning on taking a few days to get my surrounding in order, rest, and get ready to start the grind of my life. Ive got some ideas of where I will be playing poker and the best way to go about it. Ideally I want to play at 2-3 casinos and strictly try to stick in a daily routine. Now Vegas has some pretty comps if anyone isnt aware. Most casinos offer $2-3 comp per hour or play (aria, bellagio, venetian) bigger name casinos. Ive read on 2+2 that if your a reg and play 4-5 days a week at one of the big 3 the casino will just comp your meals for me and bring you food at the table. All my comp money will be going towards one nice meal a week or a show or something along those lines.

    Now to the schedule (Just a rough draft - obv. it will probably change once I get there) but this is after research.

    Monday - 1:00 pm play in the $125 MTT (no rebuys ususally 80-100 runners) great structure. Once done with that stay there and grind 1-3 nl

    Tuesday - Grind cash all day (1-3nl) til 7:00 pm at 7:00 play in the Aria $125 MTT nightly (same deal as the deal same amount of players)

    Wed. - Cash day all day (depending on how mtt went monday and tuesday depends on what time I start ect)

    Thurs - Ventian 12:00 $150 MTT (no rebuys) great structure 30 min levels 10k starting stacks. Then cash at either Venetain or Aria depending on action

    Friday - Cash all day at Venetian or Aria then wherever I play there Nightly MTT at 7pm (with all of YOU tourists now haha)
    *** Every other Friday I will be heading downtown Vegas to Binions to play the $100 - $25 bounty at 2:00pm (great tourny)

    Saturday - Cash all day (tons of fish on weekends)

    Sunday - Rest, Sight seeing or One of the daily MTT

    Thats all the info I have for now but if anyone has any input I would greatly appreciate it. This is a poker/business trip and will be treating it like a job. (all day everyday for 6 months).

    Below is a link to the apartment complex where you can see some general pictures and floorplans. Once I get there I will take pictures or my setup and add them.

    Broadstone Azure Apartments in North Las Vegas, NV
    Broadstone Azure Apartments in North Las Vegas, NV |

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

  4. #44
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mpettit View Post
    I didn't want to quote the post before this so I'll just quote this one. First off I've never been to Vegas but I've done the grind in Michigan. We have 3 big casinos in Detroit including an MGM casino. You're going to learn really quick that you'll be pulling a lot of late nights, expect to play until 3 or 4 in the morning. Also keep in mind that the players you'll be up against during the week are regulars also, most of them play poker for a living or are retired and have money to spend. The majority of them will be tough opponents and many are winners day in and day out. You'll have to learn quickly how to live through the swings of poker, you really haven't experienced them until you play live nearly every day for months straight!

    On a second note, I'd recommend staying away from the tournaments. Tournaments are good but have little return. If you win one then your return is great, but if you only barely cash in most of them or don't make any deep runs then it was all for nothing. You can expect a much higher rate of return in cash games. When it comes to cash games endurance is key. I'd highly recommend a workout regiment for you if you don't already work out. I know it sounds kind of crazy but if you're in great physical health you'll be more awake and alert at the poker table. I'd work on running a couple miles a few days a week. It'll help with the constant grinding!

    When it comes to tourists, they are the hardest and easiest at the same time to play against. You'll recognize faces after a while and know how most of the regulars play, tourists you will not. They will come and only play for a day, maybe two. Some of them may be really good players in disguise and others are your typical out of towner looking to play poker because they saw it on TV. Approach these players with caution but once you figure out which kind of tourist they are take advantage of them if you can. This will be your largest source of money. Expect your returns on Friday and Saturday of a good week equal your returns of every other day you played.

    Above all, don't let the swings get to you. Poker has variance. Live with it, embrace it, and just grind it out.

    Good luck on the felt

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Nice info

    I would have to disagree with you on the Tournaments. I feel like Im a much much much better Tournament player and have some pretty major cashes online (12k roi - 90%) and have an 8k live cash in Biloxi, MS. The schedule above was just a rough draft for input reasons. Ive done my research and Ive cashed in the Ventian $150 MTT twice while Ive been to Vegas and find it VERY profitable in the long haul.

    I agree with you on the workout regiment. I workout some not much more of a runner like to run/jog a few miles 3-4 days a week (work off all the beer gut). I understand there will be swings daily and I have and always had pretty strong bankroll management. Im going with a 20k+ bankroll to just play poker and live off of for 6 months just for the experience and hopefully a +roi. I will be treating this like a 8-5 job 6 days week. I understand and know that most of the games run very late into the night but I get updates and newsletters from the big 3 poker rooms from Vegas and know that there are constantly 1-3nl games running 24/7 maybe just 2 tables but games are going. Now these will probably all be with regs but what a great way to meet people and have other experiences with.

    Im just lucky enough to have this opportunity to live the life for 6 months while Im young. Hopefully it turns out positive and not negative. I will have more info as it comes. What did you think of the apartment?

  6. #46
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    sounds like fun shoot me a message on how you are doin dont gamble your money away lol

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    I'll be honest, I didn't even look at it, lol!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Once i get out there I will post updates in this thread with what Im doing and pictures of my place ect

  9. #49
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I don't think you are crazy at all, but my mom definitely would agree with your! I wish I had your courage and I think you should do that for sure, it's an opportunity that you can't miss. You have your entire life to do your real job and I'm sure you are going to regret if you don't do that.
    I wish you the best of lucky in this new project!

  10. #50
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Mar 2012
    I realize this is an old post. BUt wanted to ask; Have you decided to move yet, or have you already? If so, how's it going for ya?

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