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  1. #61
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    dajemn 1,221 $0 $3 2% -$225 - 58 Merge SNG Only<------- start of this thread
    dajemn 1,621 $0 $3 1% -$238

    From up 14 to down 13, took a little break from the superturbos and played some fast fifty's, won 1, think i might bounce around little at the low level, play some st's and some fastfifties to try and get back to step 3, then stick to 2 bounties, see how that goes. Anyway, a few bigger freerolls today and tomorrow (if i can play, always busy on sundays), and if i ever get the coupon for the winter series. Hopefully will build br a little (or a lot) with these. My hope is to get that big neg. at the end of my stat line to a pos., hopefully within a month or 2, lets see who can do it first Cookies!!!

  2. #62
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by madjek View Post
    Well pretty sure i suck at poker, . Now my last 50 games I'm at -40 roi, onlycashed in less than 25%, which has depleted my br again, hopefully i can work it back up, but work has picked up somewhat, so won't be playing as much, will update when i can, if there is anything to update.
    Well madjek as your first set was at 51% and second set at -40% you are still up 11% roughly over 100 games. Now that's about correct for your roi thus far. Hope you keep up the grind. I'd like to see where these fly rooms actually end up. TY and GL

  3. #63
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    too complicated for me I just like to play and if i win good enough

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Fast Fifties are terrible if you want to play a bunch of them, they have 10 cent rake attached to them which is equal to 20% of the buy-in. Unless you're getting an affiliate rakeback these are terrible for building a bankroll, and even then they aren't optimal

  5. #65
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    May 2011
    48934465 11-Feb-12 08:39 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $2.80
    48934893 11-Feb-12 08:32 NL Holdem $2 1/10 $5.80
    48932716 11-Feb-12 07:51 NL Holdem $2 4/10 -$2.20
    48931314 11-Feb-12 07:28 NL Holdem $2 1/10 $5.80
    48931113 11-Feb-12 07:15 NL Holdem $2 6/10 -$2.20
    48986701 11-Feb-12 22:45 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $2.80
    48986238 11-Feb-12 22:37 NL Holdem $2 6/10 -$2.20
    48983302 11-Feb-12 21:56 NL Holdem $2 3/10 $1.80
    48984061 11-Feb-12 21:52 NL Holdem $2 7/10 -$2.20
    48979365 11-Feb-12 21:09 NL Holdem $2 6/10 -$1.20
    48980426 11-Feb-12 21:02 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $3.80
    48976319 11-Feb-12 20:05 NL Holdem $2 4/10 -$2.20
    48975810 11-Feb-12 19:53 NL Holdem $2 7/10 -$2.20

    SendMeCookies 735 -$0.27 $4 3% -$199 - 56 Merge SNG Only <--------- Starting Stats

    SendMeCookies 782 -$0.28 $4 2% -$216 - 56 Merge SNG Only

    BR: $155.16 ( $1.01 added from RB 2nite) So now cuts my losses from original BR to sub $10. I may get profitable yet.
    Last edited by SendCookies; 02-12-2012 at 01:58 AM.

  6. #66
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrlova View Post
    Fast Fifties are terrible if you want to play a bunch of them, they have 10 cent rake attached to them which is equal to 20% of the buy-in. Unless you're getting an affiliate rakeback these are terrible for building a bankroll, and even then they aren't optimal
    +1000 as most of us are 10%ish ROI players at best. Giving up 20% in rake is horrible. I wish more ppl would understand this. Tho the quality at FF is definately beatable for better than 20% so. LOLZ

  7. #67
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    May 2011
    Heres after my first 10 before RB

    10 $3 $3 24% $27 - 72 Merge SNG Only

    I'll either post in groups of 10s or 20s or after my day is completed for them
    Last edited by gsxr5221; 02-11-2012 at 01:09 PM.
    "Poker is like a sexy girl. Everything is going as planned then bam she kicks you in the balls" "Stack a Fish"

  8. #68
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    May 2011
    Ran a few more when I got home tonight before I started getting tired..This is before RB

    17 $2 $3 37% $41 Hot 72 Merge SNG Only
    "Poker is like a sexy girl. Everything is going as planned then bam she kicks you in the balls" "Stack a Fish"

  9. #69
    PokerOwned Moderator CloudyMinded's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    what client are you playing gsxr? and what's your sn? Is this on carbon?

  10. #70
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    wow awesome

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