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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2012
    About 3.82%. I did some math but I think its wrong...

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member marlais's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    did we ever decide how many callers there were? And if either of the hero's hole cards are of that suit?
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  3. #13
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    hmm well how many players .. im thinking you mean 10 here. then after that i think you have to factor in how many players fold (say 6)... i usually see suited flop, beware!!! hahah

  4. #14
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Jan 2012
    Again a RNG is a RNG. It could care less who you are or what hole cards you, or anyone else has. The chances of it happening on the computer are the same as it happening in real life at a brick and mortar game. POT odds would play a big part in the outcome of a hand. If you are getting them, then play it. If not, you probably are up against a flopped flush.

  5. #15
    Experienced Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dookdrawls View Post
    Again a RNG is a RNG. It could care less who you are or what hole cards you, or anyone else has. The chances of it happening on the computer are the same as it happening in real life at a brick and mortar game. POT odds would play a big part in the outcome of a hand. If you are getting them, then play it. If not, you probably are up against a flopped flush.
    completly agree

  6. #16
    Elite PokerOwned Member marlais's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dookdrawls View Post
    Again a RNG is a RNG. It could care less who you are or what hole cards you, or anyone else has. The chances of it happening on the computer are the same as it happening in real life at a brick and mortar game. POT odds would play a big part in the outcome of a hand. If you are getting them, then play it. If not, you probably are up against a flopped flush.
    I don't think the OP is asking whether the RNG cares if someone has the flush. I think he was asking what the probability is that SOMEONE has the flush at the table, and that probability should be the same online and IRL.
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  7. #17
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    If we assume you're holding the suit hand therefore has flopped a flush and there is only one caller, then the other opponent can have any two of the last 47 cards in the deck and he's therefore holding one of 1081 different starting hands.
    As there are eight cards left of the suit in question, 28 of these starting hands will give the other player a flush as well, which means the chance of him having a flush is 28/1081 or approximately 2.59%.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    dont really know but it usually doesnt happen but there are times people will catch funny ones on the flop just because there hand is suited it depends on the player and most of all how the cards are dealt.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    yea if the flush is out there someone is gonna have a draw, or at least act like they do!

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Veteran gundacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikey4141 View Post
    yea if the flush is out there someone is gonna have a draw, or at least act like they do!
    And if you're the button, you shouldn't automatically represent the flush/flush draw with an aggressive raise if the table checked all the way around. A small raise might cut the field in half though.

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