The easiest place to buy bitcoins with a credit card is at i use that site a lot. In order to cashout to your bank account use There is several online wallets but I would suggest to store your swc between sessions. Always cash out your swc at the end of the night so your money is not stolen or put on hold because of a ddos attack. Every site is different but most give you 1000 chips per bitcoin. So each chip is worth .001BTC. Bitcoins can be taken out to the 8th digit called satoshis... other than that you can daytrade every crypto currency at There is so many alt coins out there but the 3 I trade are bitcoins litecoins and dogecoins. Pm me if you have any cryptocurrenccy questions at all man. Im a miner as well.
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01-26-2014, 06:33 PM #11