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Thread: I hate bullies

  1. #11
    Sergeant Romulus1970's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    but he wins in 70% on the hands when I play.I hate this guys, too. Is a ugly loses.....

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    ok i wrote this article. if u r big stacked at the table, the short stacks have nothing to lose , the rule is this 8 bb or less: any pair any 2 cards over 10 u go all in unless u r near making the money. so the big stack has to play cautious or his stack can lose rapidly, i read this from a pro and it works for me, i will be aggresive at the time, what i should have said is in freerolls i hate IDIOT .bullies. what really irks me is when 7 players r sitting out im out chipped alot and the active player is behind me and has the button 8 of 9 hands, this happens quite a bit in ft us 250 freeroll. the time to bullie is when all the players have medium stacks, 20-30 bbs and u have a hundred bbs, lately i have been getting jacked by sets way beyond the 5-1 , 8-1 odds, flop and hand. like my dad the pro sais the law of averages equals out, he has made millions playing poker and has played with a lot of the great poker players. he told me i shouldnt play in any game less than a 30 buy in, i cannot afford that , my nerve is gone, ill settle for what im making (250 a month) im just not that good and i know it , i would rate myself as a medium to high intermediate player. i know good players better than me that lose cause of bankroll management. ill be at the home game gl to pb,cb,dadsrus.gmo16,lv and t3.

  3. #13
    Elite PokerOwned Member GIOMi6's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    In poker you have more success if you are a tight,aggressive player. If in a tournament you have a big stack then you have to bully the smaller stacks, because Poker has one goal and that is to win the big prize. So it is normal that if you're a smaller stack you will get bullied by bigger stacks.

    Bullies are all in the Game of Poker!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    u can't equate applying pressure on the small stacks 2 those horrible types of people. a bully picks on people 4 no reason. the big stack is trying 2 win the tourney, not pickin on people. i luv & hate when the bigger stacks are raising every hand. i hate them cuz i don't get 2 play sum hands that i want 2 & also cuz they raise b4 i get a chance 2 try 2 steal the blinds. i luv them, tho, cuz they are always so willing 2 double u up when they try 2 knock u out. "oh, it's only a 1000 more chips. i'll call w/ my 8-4 off"! of course it really sucks when their 8-4 knocks off your a-k tho. that seems 2 happen way 2 often when little stack goes up against big stack online. and i ALWAYS seem 2 have the big stack right behind me 2, no matter how many other people are sittin out. i remember a few times, i kept gettin moved 2 new tables every few hands, and EVERY time i'd have the big stack right behind me. WTF!?! lol!

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