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  1. #1
    Experienced Member
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    How to manage a tiny bankroll?

    I won $9 in a freeroll, only to lose $8 in 1 hand of a cash game... How do I keep from going busto?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    lol well the only way to go back up is to play! play sit n go

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
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    My strategy when dealing with a baby bankroll is either use 100$ of BR to play a tourney or 30% to 60% if conservative. It's either get to a semi stable to stacked BR as soon as possible. Kinda reckless but it seems to work for me.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    You become a freeroll whore like me and don't play in any cash games until you have the proper bankroll for me. I don't buy into anything that is more than 5% of my br (mtts with re-entry I count as 3x what the actual buy-in is, rebuys are 5x). Therefore I needed at least $20 before I even played a $1 sng. $60 before I play in a $1 mtt on carbon since they're all re-entry, and $80 before I touch a cash game.
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Master
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    Keep playing ONLY freerolls until you make it to 100$, then play MTT's between 1.10$ and 3.30$ until you are up to 500$, then, move up to 5.50$ and 7.70$.
    I Buy and Sell Pokerstars $ PM me for Details.
    PokerStars : PerformLAB

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Pro
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    first off you should only bet 1/10 of your bankroll at any given time if applicable (obviously if you only have $1 then your stuck) and even less as it grows. bcp is good because they have .01/.02 rings and you can really have some room for outdraws or bad play
    sngs are good too, if you can cash in 1 out of 3 then you will at least come close to breaking even by just cashing - not to mention those that you win outright will boost you up a lot - and with a 33% payout rate they are really good for the better than average player

    there are lots of books and sites that discuss bankroll management - but you still have to be a solid player or you will always go broke eventually - becoming a better poker player is learning bankroll management, ;earning how to play well, and how bankroll management can affect the way you play - all skills intertwine and can have massive effects on each other

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitjunky View Post
    first off you should only bet 1/10 of your bankroll at any given time if applicable (obviously if you only have $1 then your stuck) and even less as it grows. bcp is good because they have .01/.02 rings and you can really have some room for outdraws or bad play
    sngs are good too, if you can cash in 1 out of 3 then you will at least come close to breaking even by just cashing - not to mention those that you win outright will boost you up a lot - and with a 33% payout rate they are really good for the better than average player

    there are lots of books and sites that discuss bankroll management - but you still have to be a solid player or you will always go broke eventually - becoming a better poker player is learning bankroll management, ;earning how to play well, and how bankroll management can affect the way you play - all skills intertwine and can have massive effects on each other
    Actually, I would say never invest more than 1/100 to 1/50 of your bankroll . When you gamble 1/10 of it, you are almost guaranteed to go broke, as even the BEST players out there will have longer than 10 games downswings...
    I Buy and Sell Pokerstars $ PM me for Details.
    PokerStars : PerformLAB

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qcnb View Post
    Actually, I would say never invest more than 1/100 to 1/50 of your bankroll . When you gamble 1/10 of it, you are almost guaranteed to go broke, as even the BEST players out there will have longer than 10 games downswings...
    I'm comfortable with 5% because it always stays 5%. If I have $100 and then lose a $5 buy in, then I can't play in another $5 buy in because I don't have the br for it. So 5% doesn't mean I have 20 entries at 1 level, it's more a guide to tell me what level I can play at.
    I'm gonna give that bitch a freeroll, bitches love freerolls.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Pro
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    one thing you will learn is that scared money attracts more sharks than the Brody family - learn what that means
    also you dont really have to wait until your roll is bigger from freerolls to play cash - if you are a good player you will be ok
    since you had $9 you could have played .01/.02 game with 18 buy ins - which is plenty for a beginner
    or you could have played 5 $1.65 sngs on BCP - if you cash in 2nd and 3rd in two of them your only down like 2.25 and played 5 tournaments - and if you were to win one outright out of those five then your in the black

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by qcnb View Post
    Actually, I would say never invest more than 1/100 to 1/50 of your bankroll . When you gamble 1/10 of it, you are almost guaranteed to go broke, as even the BEST players out there will have longer than 10 games downswings...
    yes as your roll grows - but for someone who is building from 0 through freerolls that could take months to get to a big enough roll
    lets get this player to a significant balance before we give high-level play rules advice

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