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  1. #51
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    no gambling addictions here. PO and poker in general is just for fun. free real money poker is nice

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Veteran MsPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    I suppose one could base the addiction on jus how much and or often their playn. If it's an average minimal weekly amount then, of course that opposes as no threat of addiction. If one is playn constantly no matter if it's almost always a profitable result, that is certainly too much and would then classify as an addiction. Everyone is different as well as see's an "actual" addiction in many different perspectives. If one even slightly is questioning if they are or not then I would suggest to take the steps to conquer it so it doesn't cause way more problems down the road. I haven't been addicted to anything so this is an opinion only but if it was me I suppose I would step back and consciously evaluate the situation to determine if I need a new hobby perhaps to distract me more, or counseling, or instantly taking a break from the whole atmosphere.
    ~Always have faith, believe in yourself, and look forward and you can achieve anything you want~

  3. #53
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by 666LIZ View Post
    Awwww living on ur own since u was 17 woooopidoooo dear I been Married since I was 16 Im now 33 {yes we are still Happily Married} and been living on my own since I was 15. Ive managed to put myself and my husband through college working nights and weekends all while doing it with 3 kids I wont sit here and say for one minute it hasnt been hard and as for my parents they really have no bearing on me or my current family. Poker is only gambling if you dont know how to implement the proper playing techniques. You dont have those qualities clearly by this statement
    "I treat any money I gamble with as gone before I start playing with it"

    I made a small statement about having self control and self discipline which was clear from your first post that you had none otherwise you wouldnt need to put restrictions on yourself. I could care 2 shits less bout your financial issue the original question was over gambling addiction and you clearly have that issue. Your husband is enabling you to fail, only because I sense you are rather young 21-25 and as time goes on you will see that what I have said is correct.

    One more thing......The United States Supreme Court has ruled 4 times that "POKER" when dealt by a dealer to 2-4-6-8-10 players it is considered a game of "SKILL". Maybe its not me looking at it wrong!
    I've clearly defined poker as something I treat different than gambling in previous posts. By gambling I refer to non-poker casino gambling such as slots and table games like blackjack and roulette. You are the one that keeps trying to apply what I've said about gambling to poker.

    You're very close, I'm 26, and frankly I have made decisions that mean I don't have to struggle in life. I don't make life harder than it needs to be, and I was sharing my personal experience about how I'm trying to avoid developing a true gambling problem. Also, I can't say my husband is enabling me to fail, because I don't spend much money on myself, and like I said earlier, he honestly spends just as much or even more on his video games. We actually live well below our means and will have our debt paid off within a couple years, so what I've spent on gambling really isn't a big deal, I am just being very careful now about not letting my situation turn into a true problem.

  4. #54
    PokerOwned Veteran 666LIZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    I've clearly defined poker as something I treat different than gambling in previous posts. By gambling I refer to non-poker casino gambling such as slots and table games like blackjack and roulette. You are the one that keeps trying to apply what I've said about gambling to poker.

    You're very close, I'm 26, and frankly I have made decisions that mean I don't have to struggle in life. I don't make life harder than it needs to be, and I was sharing my personal experience about how I'm trying to avoid developing a true gambling problem. Also, I can't say my husband is enabling me to fail, because I don't spend much money on myself, and like I said earlier, he honestly spends just as much or even more on his video games. We actually live well below our means and will have our debt paid off within a couple years, so what I've spent on gambling really isn't a big deal, I am just being very careful now about not letting my situation turn into a true problem.
    That is the first time you have clearly defined Poker/Slots/Gambling in any of your posts and this thread is the ONLY one I see with any real merit. I encourage you to pay off your debt long before the couple years and once you do that you could potentially learn the game of Poker verses counting your money gone before you even sit.

  5. #55
    Experienced Member
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    i had a gambling addiction 1 year ago on pokerstars. It goes very well at the time but i got jammed when i started to lose a lot.... when the money has dissapeared on my account i started to question what a .... i am doing... So from then i am still playing poker but just freerolls and i am happy with that.

  6. #56
    Elite PokerOwned Member jayyy27's Avatar
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    Even if those two things Pooffy mentioned are not happens, you could still be addicted.

  7. #57
    PokerOwned Pro
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    ya i ahve a gambling addiction. its all good though keeps me busy lol

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    simple rule has always worked for me... only gamble with money that is ok to loose

  9. #59
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Yeah I would spend Friday night to Sunday morning at the table and one Sunday morning a year ago I crashed my car on the high way because I would play about 35 hours straight. That's when I knew I had a problem!!

  10. #60
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    i would be addicted if i had the money.

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