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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    That is excellent information...thank you...I am aware that the green dot permanent card does work, just not the temporary one. I'm waiting on my permanent one in the mail. It should be here in a few days. Once I get this card I will log into my account and change my account settings so that I can use it out of the country. I have spent a few hours the last few days rsearching and driving around to buisnesses looking at what types of gift cards they have. CVS has prepaid money gram cards...that u can preload just like the visa"s, but...they cost $5-$6 for the card at the store, then another $5 charge when you transfer the money. It's not that anyone is trying to stop u or me from playing at these sites, our government just wants to make sure they can verify your identity before allowing you to send money out of the country. Understandable considering the circumstances.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Chasing bonuses IS detrimental if you are not a good player...but if u know what your doing then can be very benificial. It's kind of like a personal contract to get paid for playing. I'm more of a cash player then a tournament player. Playing for cash will allow u to reach these bonuses much easyer then tournament play, but if you are not an exsperienced cash player...then it's gonna be a short just recently started playing online and am trying to get myself situated. Previously u could find me in the casino playing $1-3 no limit and accasionally $3-6 no limit. I started playing tournaments about 6 months ago because I believed it would benifit my cash game skills...and it does very much so...

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    As much as I can, but I'm working on getting myself easyer transfer methods.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Downswings are just a part of the game...sometimes there just isn't anything u can do when it starts happening...walk away for a while...or go down in flames!!! Many times it just comes down to the way u were doesn't matter that u had them crushed.. runner runner your dead or he only had one out...comes down to getiing your money in everytime before the last card flips...and playing out of position on a regular. Those things will get u cleared fast. It all comes down to the math. If your a 75% favorite to win the hand thats great...but u will lose the other 25% of the time...and normally when that small percentage hits...u get your ass cleared...thats poker folks...

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    "Heard you're looking for a stud. Well, I got the S-T-D. All I need is you. " - Rooster

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I believe it's more directly related to a roller coaster but I could be wrong...

  8. #28
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Wow foxgreen!
    Don't be feeding b.s. to beginners about how easy it is to clear a bonus as well as make $10-25. Especially at the stakes these players will be playing.

    The truth is that only 10% of all poker players show a consistent income (after averaging for the down years), most professional poker players live below the poverty level, and only 4% will win a significant amount in a calendar year. The truth is that most players will lose their deposit before the bonus is paid out completely as well.

    Finally. Please learn how to spell or at least use the spellchecker (with auto correct). Most computers have this and it even underlines misspelled words in red for you. A little punctuation and more than one paragraph would be nice too. Thanks

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    To know who donkey what I do is to use the notes.
    with notes get as much information as the long term it is highly recommended you use them
    Ave Fenix XD

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    To know who donkey what I do is to use the notes.
    with notes get as much information as the long term it is highly recommended you use them
    Ave Fenix XD

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