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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    do something about it

    Ok constantly people are on here complaining about this whole online poker ordeal. The only problem is your posting it here in the forums (we all agree with you and hate it too). The other problem is the GOVERNMENT is not trolling the poker forums looking for complaints about it. What you need to do is MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. WRITE your senator congressman,etc. Complaining about it here is like standing in an empty soundproof room and yelling abut how hungry you are. Get yourself fed and send those letters. Enough letters and they will act on it

  2. #2
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AAcracked9168 View Post
    Ok constantly people are on here complaining about this whole online poker ordeal. The only problem is your posting it here in the forums (we all agree with you and hate it too). The other problem is the GOVERNMENT is not trolling the poker forums looking for complaints about it. What you need to do is MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. WRITE your senator congressman,etc. Complaining about it here is like standing in an empty soundproof room and yelling abut how hungry you are. Get yourself fed and send those letters. Enough letters and they will act on it
    It's a lot easier to write and mail it rather than expect a serious inclination towards it from the reciever. What makes you think they'll even read it themselves???

    They won't.

  3. #3
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    May 2011
    It does not matter though this country was established as a democracy which means the citizens have control. And if enough people speak their peace even if they are not the ones reading it it becomes a matter that they can no longer ignore. But if only even 1 in every 5 online players speak their opinion than it may not be enough. LET you voice be heard. or wonder if just a few more people complained would it have made a difference. I mean at worst you waste a few mins of your time to send that email as i have already done to several members of congress and the senate. But whatever you want to do is your buisness but i guarantee doing nothing will not have any affect on the problem at all. And complaining in the forum will have no affect at all.

  4. #4
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AAcracked9168 View Post
    It does not matter though this country was established as a democracy which means the citizens have control. And if enough people speak their peace even if they are not the ones reading it it becomes a matter that they can no longer ignore. But if only even 1 in every 5 online players speak their opinion than it may not be enough. LET you voice be heard. or wonder if just a few more people complained would it have made a difference. I mean at worst you waste a few mins of your time to send that email as i have already done to several members of congress and the senate. But whatever you want to do is your buisness but i guarantee doing nothing will not have any affect on the problem at all. And complaining in the forum will have no affect at all.

    I don't understand the F.B.I.'s "beef" with online poker. Is it money the U.S. government is missing, or the fact that they might be stealing tax money?

    Dong something is better than nothing---you're right about that!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Also something else that i have noticed in my many supervising positions over the years is that if you dont know there is a problem you cant fix it. countless times people complain about something to their co-workers in the break rooms and what not but no bod ever brings it to upper managements attention so therefore nothing gets done about it. and then after weeks or months or years of a problem people finally get frustrated and severl people in a short amount of time complain to the right people and then finally the problem gets fixed. And the employees say well its about time they did something about it (well they had just become aware that it was an iussue and fixed it almost immediatly) so its more its about time you guys said something about it to someone who matters.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    And your right. In all of my letters to my senators and congressmen i have stated instead of baning online poker create a temorary law forcing the sites to track and report players wins in excess of 10K just like the casinos do thus meaning you have to reportand pay taxes on it thus making uncle sams issue with it null and void. And then work to make a permanent law that way both sides win we get poker till hey set it in stone and they get their almighty tax dollar from it WIN-WIN

  7. #7
    Sergeant Major
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    You can also call your local congressmans office. I have done this many times. I just call and say that I am a voter and online poker is not a crime, and I will not be voting for someone who has those views. America is a democracy, but the problem is that people dont get out and vote. I would really love to see how many people are complaining bout this whole poker deal and havent voted in recent elections.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Ok, is there some website I can go to to find out who my congressman is and senate member. Hell, I don't vote ,,,maybe I can bluff them,,,lmao

  9. #9
    Sergeant Major
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wagon596 View Post
    Ok, is there some website I can go to to find out who my congressman is and senate member. Hell, I don't vote ,,,maybe I can bluff them,,,lmao
    You should vote, I feel the people that dont vote have no right to complain about anything that is government related because they had the chance to do something about it and chose not to. Get out and vote man its not hard and doesnt take long to do at all.

  10. #10
    Seasoned Veteran
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    lol where was the voting for if poker should be illegal though, he would have voted on that bear

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