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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Crazy Hand... Must Read!

    So $50 freeroll for UB. theres about 250 players left and i have pocket 4s. i decide to limp in for 200 but coming up right after me is a raise to 800. Now normally this is a straight forward fold for me. But for some strange reason, I had a feeling I'd hit trips on the flop. I know from personal experience you should play with your brains and not your guts but i guess i was too stubborn in this case.

    One guy before me makes this call and so do i straight after calling the extra 600. Still have about 6.5k left. Bang i hit trips on the flop. It comes J42. So i have a tinge of a smile on my face cause I was so pleased with that gut call i made lol. Guy before me checks. I check too, slow playing that PF raiser who's last to act. He makes a bet of 1.5k. So here I think well it's likely that he has a high pocket pair but i have the set, so he's dominated.

    To my surprise the guy whos to act before me check raises him all in. I marginally had more than him so i shoved the rest of my chips too. The big stack who pfr calls as well. So turns out that guy had AA. And myself and the other guy who slow played the flop both had trips... he had 22. What a hand already! 2 trips on the flop, me in the lead of course... and almost certain to win the hand. But it's not over. Turn shows a blank. And the river. Well guess what? Shows an ace. 3 trips on 3 different hands. But an epic result overall. Bad luck left right and centre but I guess that's poker. Some like to call it online poker rigging lol.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    the odds of TWO people both hitting sets are slim 2 none, but THREE? that's insane. u sound pretty calm about it rite now. i assume u weren't that calm when it happened, tho, huh?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i am calm. its a freeroll so im not gonna chuck a spaz. it more amazed me than made me angry. i was just in complete awe lol...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    amazing hands, ive been lucky enough to be on the better end of two people having trips. both times i was the one called lucky... even though i had the bigger starting pocket pair!! so he was the under dog lol

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