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Results 31 to 40 of 53
  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Nice run. just look at em 20 at a time. u'll do fine

  2. #32
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    dajemn 1,144 $0 $3 1% -$244 20 games in, up $4 ( though it is a $5 increase according to profits,don't know why they don't match, guess the round to nearest dollar)

    19-Jan-12 02:40 NL Holdem $2 1/10 $6.80
    19-Jan-12 02:13 NL Holdem $2 5/10 -$2.20
    19-Jan-12 01:51 NL Holdem $2 4/10 -$1.20
    19-Jan-12 01:34 NL Holdem $2 8/10 -$2.20
    19-Jan-12 00:33 NL Holdem $2 3/10 -$0.20
    18-Jan-12 23:48 NL Holdem $2 3/10 $0.80
    18-Jan-12 23:35 NL Holdem $2 6/10 -$2.20
    18-Jan-12 23:25 NL Holdem $2 3/10 $0.80
    18-Jan-12 21:41 NL Holdem $2 6/10 -$2.20
    18-Jan-12 20:33 NL Holdem $2 1/10 $9.80 <---------- 7 bounties
    18-Jan-12 11:32 NL Holdem $2 9/10 -$2.20
    18-Jan-12 11:26 NL Holdem $2 3/10 -$0.20
    18-Jan-12 02:01 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $3.80
    18-Jan-12 01:05 NL Holdem $2 3/10 -$0.20
    18-Jan-12 01:02 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $1.80
    18-Jan-12 00:35 NL Holdem $2 8/10 -$2.20
    18-Jan-12 00:32 NL Holdem $2 7/10 -$2.20
    18-Jan-12 00:09 NL Holdem $2 7/10 -$2.20
    17-Jan-12 23:34 NL Holdem $2 2/10 $0.80
    17-Jan-12 23:14 NL Holdem $2 4/10 -$1.20

  3. #33
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    NO your stats match for now. But they do round

    Starting Stats dajemn 1,124 $0 $3 1% -$248

    Current Stats dajemn 1,144 $0 $3 1% -$244

    U see you have exactly 20 games in for difference in profit of $4 atm. $4 divided by 20 comes to a .20 cent profit per game. Funny how those stats get even out after so many games. I think you are down a tad for what I would think your win % is at this level, so, keep pounding them out. Nice job. What do you think so far?

  4. #34
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    ur not makin him play 1000,s of beees, i hope???

  5. #35
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rrickir View Post
    ur not makin him play 1000,s of beees, i hope???
    Oh rikki, all you have to do is read the posts w/ his results and you can see what he's playing. And, just in case you ask again. Mad is running a $55 stake for me and is only playing the $2 10 man SNG w/ Bounties. And doing a damn fine job as well.

    BTW Mad, if you add in RB for yourself on this. not a bad lil gig.

  6. #36
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i know,, i s late at nite,, and i was just TEASIn lolol

  7. #37
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    NO your stats match for now. But they do round

    Starting Stats dajemn 1,124 $0 $3 1% -$248

    Current Stats dajemn 1,144 $0 $3 1% -$244

    U see you have exactly 20 games in for difference in profit of $4 atm. $4 divided by 20 comes to a .20 cent profit per game. Funny how those stats get even out after so many games. I think you are down a tad for what I would think your win % is at this level, so, keep pounding them out. Nice job. What do you think so far?
    OH yeah, it was late, i looked at the profit from next post (-249) instead of original. I'm happy with the way it has gone so far, had a couple of river bad beats at or near bubble. Plus, had a couple times where i left someone with a few chips then someone else gets bounty, if you fin 3rd you are itm but still lose money overall, so you really need to get bounties. We'll see how next 20 go, goal is to at least double what i did the first 20.

  8. #38
    New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Cool idea cookies very nice ! . . .

  9. #39
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    dajemn 1,124 $0 $3 1% -$248 <------ starting sharkscope line

    dajemn 1,156 $0 $3 2% -$220 <------- current line

    32 games played 28 dollar profit

    not going to list all the results of each game unless you want them cookies?

  10. #40
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by madjek View Post
    dajemn 1,124 $0 $3 1% -$248 <------ starting sharkscope line

    dajemn 1,156 $0 $3 2% -$220 <------- current line

    32 games played 28 dollar profit

    not going to list all the results of each game unless you want them cookies?

    Never needed each line. I can always goto scope and get em myself. Nice job. Way high on the roi scale now. Look for some adjustments, but, keep up the good work.

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