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  1. #1

    Chasing draws and giving up on the turn

    So, I was thinking about this. Most of the time I have a FD or a SD, I will call up to a pot-sized bet, maybe a little bit more with a SD and a deep stacked opponent.

    On the, flop my chances of making the flush or straight by the river are approximately 1:2, right. Right, but that's considering I see both the turn and the river. Which is often times not the case. Very often I call a big bet on the flop and when I miss the turn I simply give up and fold when faced with a decent-sized bet.

    And this is, I think, a big leak in my game. Because, if I'm doing this most of the time, then my odds of hitting my flush or straight are not 1:2, like it would be with 2 cards to come, but more like 1:4. What this means is I don't have the correct odds to call a pot-sized bet, not even close.

    Am I wrong in my assumptions, or am I playing the draws wrong?

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    draws seem to be part of my down fall,,,

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Feb 2011
    although you will win a few times on draws, it doesnt pay off in the long run. you lose more than you win. not worth playing draws

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    the chance of getting a flush draw are (9 outs as 4 have been drawn so the remaining 9 cards of that suit multiply by 4 on the turn (9 X 4 = 36)) 36% thats a quick way of doing the math its closer to 34% if done correctly. but anyway thats on average 1 in 3 times you hit the flush, so you lose 2 out of every 3 making chasing it less than worth while.

    but mostly it depends if your getting the correct odds to call as well, say 300 is in the pot and your opponent splashes 100, making the total pot 400 it will cost you 100 to call, brake this down we get 4 to 1 pot odds if we add the 4 and 1 (5) and divide by 100 (percentage) you get 20%. thus he is giving you the right pot odds to call by mathmatically saying you need a hand 20% or better to call with and since your is 36% you would be correct to call.

    say your miss the turn and looking blankly now with still 9 outs with the river to go. more maths is needed we now still got 9 out but now multiply by 2 so we now have only 18% to make our flush draw. say our oppenent puts another 100 into the pot. the pot is now 600. making your call 6 to 1. now we do our adding then divide by 100 (100/7=14.3). so with 14.3% needed to call youve got roughly 18% so the correct decission would be to call (even though both on the turn and river a raise would also be a correct play). so play your pot odds and your out percentages and you'll do well

    e.g. of a bad call.................. on the river on flush draw and the pot is 400, the opponent bets 400 bringing it to 800 with 400 to call making it (800/400 = 2/1 = 2+1 = 3 = 100/3 = 33.3333%) you need a hand 33% or better to make the call which we now know from earlier you only have a 18% chance on the river meaning we need to fold this hand and wait for a better chance)

    now with the straight draws i persume you mean open ended which gives you 8 outs so on the turn for a quick percentage is 32% (1 in 3) and on the river only 16% (1 in 6)

    if your after the gut shot straight draw youve got 4 outs so 16% chance on the turn (1 in 6) and only 8% on the river (1 in 12 times of hitting it)

    hope this helps with you solving how to go for the draws

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    nothing wrong with giving up with one card to come.... you can't loose what u don't put in.. scottieb668

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member GIOMi6's Avatar
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    I played enough draws, and I have failed to complete them on the turn or river. So I do not play them anymore.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    yes don't chase a flush.... u loose... good luck everyone

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Master
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    Feb 2011
    I think itīs depends your stack and the pot odds...

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Feb 2011
    i hope that doesn't in fact of this situation

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2011
    depends on the type of tournament and the entry of the same, but sometimes you have to take risks to win and make a difference in chips

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