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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Card rooms in foreign countries (Non-US)

    I travel around a lot and Im wondering about anyones experiences in live play in different countries. Besides the US Ive played in two countries.

    Costa Rica - San Jose has a section which is like a mini-mini-mini vegas. There are casinos, brothels, and other sinful activities spanning over several blocks. I played in a casino that has four tables and spreads different games. They run tournies on the weekends. 80% of the players are expats. The game is ran by a retired American who sits in the game and cordinates with the Tico pit boss who is clueless about poker. This game has a 100 - 500 buy-in. Its pretty intense and very loose.

    Colombia - I recently lived in Colombia which is a country that has a horrible rep, but is paradise to most that visit. Its very safe as long as u stay of the certain zones of jungle and other FARC controlled areas.

    Bogota- There are about five rooms inside casinos. The best is owned by an American that has 8 tables and the best looking dealers and wait staff on the planet. They spread everything but the 300 and unlimited up is something special. Its 95% Colombians and 5% expat. The game has serious cash as there are many Colombians who have extra cash they can dispose of. I played in it once, bought for 300 and walked out with 1500 and vowed never to go back. It was extremely aggresive and I dont like having to make calls for a grand in a cash game.

    Valledupar- This city is on the North Coast of Colombia and is where I lived. Its known for its Vallanato music and is very close the border of crazy Chavez. There is one table in a casino in the mall next to the movie theatre. It a 1/2 NL and has about 30 regulars. This was perfect for me as they were horrible players and u can just sit and wait. I would play 2 to 3 times a week and make a few bills and be happy. Two hundie down there is worth triple up here. There is one rule at this room that I cant stand because I always made this mistake but not one purpose. If you didnt turn you cards over both exactly at the same time your hand was dead. So if u turn one then the other your screwed. When your drinking its easy to forget.

    Thanks for reading as Im killing time to the next tourny

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I've played in Oklahoma,,, that should count as another country ...LOL

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