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Thread: Carbon Rivers?

  1. #11
    PokerOwned Pro
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    we know because the programming necessary to make it happen doesnt make sense logicistically- dont make me pull out the old abacus and tell you guys why -(also do not get me started about the fake program that shows you what the board cards are or whatever the myth is) also there is no reason for them to make the program work like that anyways - too much at risk and they make plenty of money already

  2. #12
    New Member
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    Anyone here remember lucsac915? Youtube guy complaining about Pokerstars. funny dude

  3. #13
    Joe is offline
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    i think detroit junky is correct.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran mihaha79's Avatar
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    Bots and only bots.......It did not take long to figure out what was going on and to finish up a fake play ......many sites are fake

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Pro
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    bots are a whole other issue - i dont mind them because they are easy to beat when you figure out how they are programmed

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Pro
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    yes carbon is a set up site for sure, if anyone cant see tht your crazy as hell

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Pro
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    i can see the truth - and it comes in the form of computer programming knowledge - knowledge of gaming theory, and stats = they all say it cant happen - bots maybe, but changing what the board cards are to make a certain person win is ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    Then again, I see a lot of folks playing poc 4's and poc 10's (all low and mid-pps) as if they are the absolute nuts preflop. Maybe it's more important to analyze your own play to see how to get past the donks.
    I'm not slurring my words. I'm talking in cursive. I believe the ladies find it to be quite elegant.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by EyegotnutZ View Post
    You bring up a very valid point..I have built bankrolls from pts to over a hundred bucks....grinding away...but it seems there comes a point where there is a switch that is flipped where its like...ok....this guy has won enough....and no matter how careful you are or aggressive you play your hand the hand that will beat you in the end...either the flop or runner runner is happened Friday...ran a $1.10 3rd place BCP on demand freeroll...passed out in ran that to over $10 in Omaha .01 /.02 PL and then had it all sucked back with ridiculous what were you in the hand for scenarios...very...I cannot keep a roll is always sucked away.....
    then you havent played enough - everyone has had a roll washed away - when you reached your 100 did you go up in level? that seems to be the issue with lost br's - people get more money and go up and dont make the necessary changes to their game and wonder why they lost - just saying - either way its still not the site doing it to you

  10. #20
    Experienced Member
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    I have had some real crazy bad beats on the river, but it happens. There are times when you KO someone on a card you shouldn't have hit on the river as well. Happens both ways. I did it live once. Had top pair top kicker and guy had an overpair and I hit trips on the river. Happens live too not just online.

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