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  1. #21
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Feb 2011
    I can not tell you how many times I have gotten screwed in live or online cash games because I didn't fold my big and small blinds like I told myself I would! HATE when things like this happen.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    May 2011
    A very tough beat, not much you could have done in this situation but I agree with earlier post I would have left as soon as I hit $200

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  3. #23
    Seasoned Veteren ccchris7's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    i have been playing carbon poker for a while now and i think it is great

  4. #24
    Elite PokerOwned Member jcolee2's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    poker is gay...outsmart them all day and run so bad.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned God
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Daytradin View Post
    Bottom line...whatcha gonna do? I do not think it can be argued that it should have been played differently. The only way around it would have been to fold the cards of which you were not (nor would I have been) willing to do. When all the chips were in the pot, you had him beat and he pulled. It's gonna happen. His chips were at risk as well and think how he felt when the cards flipped up and before the next card turned. Like crap for an instant no doubt. Just be glad you only had $30 out of pocket at the table and just gave back the winnings. You would have felt a lot worse if you bought in for $200 and this was the first hand!

    a great way to look at it which it took me a day to see, i still had 10 bucks in my acct which is now back up to 50, but no cash games for a

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God RVCrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gametime74 View Post
    this is for you poker junkies who dream of the big hit..i am in a ring game last night on a bad beat table with 30 dollars starting, 2 hrs later i am 200 in chips on same table, things going pretty good than the hand for hell came..i have AQ spade suited, villian has KK..he bets 5, i am in bb pos. so i just call..board comes K spade, j spade and 10 heart, so far i have the nutz with a royal or flush draw..villian bets 10 and i reraise to 20..villian bets all in for 220 so i pause, i got a straight with a royal flush or flush draw as well so i call 125 all 2 cards..10 and river 2.. Villians collects 420 with full house..GTF outta here..should i have fold or never call...

    Two things wrong with this post

    One thing you mention that you paused? insta karma for slowrolling the nutz LOL

    2nd thing is sounds like a $1/$2 game? but idk you need to say what limits your playing, kinda

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    First off.............that is a really tough beat and it sucks to lose all you hard won winnings that way and in one hand. Second of all.............anyone who thinks it has anything to do with internet poker, MERGE, or Carbon specifically, is not only an idiot, they clearly have very few hours of live poker in their experience. That is poker, plain and simple. I could write a book about that kind of tough beat I've personally taken; or been at a table playing "real" brick and mortar poker and watched it happen to others. Lastly, most of us will remember the bad beats we've had to take much more than the wins when we may have done it to others. Play some poker and I guarantee you'll have it happen again, sometimes for you and sometimes against you.

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Demi-God AryAlton's Avatar
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    I could write a book about all the tough beat i have had too. People that complain about carbon, listen here. Its not carbon or merge that is handing out all these tough loses. Its simply internet poker, with out sitting and being able to see your opponets it is really hard to play at times. Not to mention a hand that would possible have been laid down in live poker is called in online poker for those simple reason. Honestly how many times have you laid down a hand lets say to a big raise post flop and by the time the river card comes out u say "Damn I would have won that" runner runner str8 or flush.

    I play live poker everyday of my life and in online poker hands dont get laid down the same as they do in live poker. its that simple

  9. #29
    Join Date
    May 2011
    that sucks.always that 1 hand we risk our whole bankroll on.

  10. #30
    -(^_^)- ProBlackbird's Avatar
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    Everyone got a lot of love in Poker
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