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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Current Roll: $28.75

    After about two weeks of gyrating between $0.00 and $10 I finally caught the break I had been looking for by cashing 11th out of 303 entrants in the $5.50 $750 Guaranteed Deep Stack last night for an impressive $25.75 cash. Although there is absolutely no reason I should have entered a $5.50 MTT with only $8 in my account from a bankroll perspective, I was intrigued by the 15 minute blind levels which would play well into my conservative playing style for MTTs.

    Getting into the money in this one was due to an extreme amount of luck in some key situations. I got an early double up when I called an all in after the flop with A7 on a A44 board, with villain turning over pocket Queens. The biggest moment came late in the tournament though with roughly 50 people left, with the top 36 cashing, when I managed a complete suck out with my Ad9d taking down AQoff by spiking a 9 on the flop. This push was based primarily on a read that the villain was attempting to steal blinds as he had been consistently raising 4-5x the big blind. After making it into the money I continued my conservative play but managed to continually steal blinds once or twice an orbit which allowed me to hang around as the field was eventually whittled down to 11.

    Once I reached the final 11 I have a lot of work to do being dead last in chips but I managed to steal quite a few pots using the continuation bet as well as some pre flop steals. My advance was going smoothly until I got dealt AJ off, which short handed I felt was a superior hand. I raise 4x BB, BB then re raises 3x my bet and I decide to three bet shove, well he calls and flips over AQ. Board runs out and I am eliminated in 11th. Overall I am pleased with the way I played the game with the exception of a few ill timed bluffs I tried to run towards the middle part of the tournament. Hopefully this run good can continue and I can begin to exercise proper bankroll management now that I have a moderate sized roll.
    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again, but life goes on.

  2. #22
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    well, too bad bankroll not reletated to number if words in post, be a millionaire

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