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  1. #31
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    wow lots of replies!! but sounds good to me!! get the mods!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
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  2. #32
    tex is offline
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    I'M fairly new to poker owned so I really don't know what your talkin about ,but,in most poker rooms bountys are reserved for the pro's so if you have elite status you should have a bounty on you.
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  3. #33
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTOMTABLES View Post
    and its all decided certain amount of time before game starts ,,,,,its not random
    Its not decided until whoever does them puts them up, and we do pick them randomly, except when we do the previous winner.
    Bounties on all mods every game to make your llbs more fair does not make sense.
    Last edited by Poof; 12-24-2013 at 02:13 PM. Reason: Ah I think I get it, mods are better players so you need this edge to beat them when in an llb, nvm makes perfect sense.
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  4. #34
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    The bounties today went up because of this: I felt like putting one on myself (btw I was in a few LLBS), and TroyAikman because I hate the cowboys and have never bountied him. I didn't make those decisions til I was on the bounty page.

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  5. #35
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    I don't think the bounties are a big deal. As far as mod posted bounties, I know there are people that ask to have a bounty on them because they think they will get more donk calls. That's not a bad thing, just stick to value betting. I think that having bounties on all of the mods would be fun, but only if they are ok with it, because they don't get paid enough to justify the bounties if they aren't ok with it.

    My idea though is to have a formal user posted bounty system. Anyone can post a bounty during the first 15 min of a tourney, and the points are escrowed. That way, if you want a bounty on yourself, great. If you want a bounty on the mods because of course everything is their fault, go for it.
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  6. #36
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    hating the cowboys is not random lol but oh well. always figured it was good to be a bounty, people would try and KO you with any two cards and pick up those easy pots.
    I would say message the mod at game time and just ask them not to include you. I am sure you will still get a bounty once in awhile, but probably once in a great great while. woth a shot, just ask.
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  7. #37
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dimebags7 View Post
    hating the cowboys is not random lol but oh well. always figured it was good to be a bounty, people would try and KO you with any two cards and pick up those easy pots.
    I would say message the mod at game time and just ask them not to include you. I am sure you will still get a bounty once in awhile, but probably once in a great great while. woth a shot, just ask.
    I'm merely trying to show my mindset when I pick them - i hadn't planned on making anyone a bounty until I looked at the list.

    That being said, now that I bountied him in this one I probably won't do it again until I've hit everyone once to balance it out.

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  8. #38
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    i think ur reasoning is idiotic. u really started a thread complaining about something that may happen a couple times a year. i really think that u are just whining because u lost a llb and need someone to blame. again ur complaining that a mod can put a bounty on you because u think that makes u a target, but u think it is fair that they should have a bounty on them every time they play. which by ur reasoning would make them a target every game, how is that fair? HOWEVER i do like the idea of the bounties being determined by a random number generator or something like that other than the mods just randomly picking them, i dont think that the mods put bounties on people they don't like or anything like that, but i do think that a mod is more likely to put a bounty on someone they see in chat all the time than they are to put one on some new member they have never seen before even if they do it subconsciously. so why not write a program that picks out three random names of whoever has registered(including mods)

    oh yea u said that if u sign up closer to the start of the game 9/10 u will not be picked for the boutny, first off 9/10 times u are not picked for the bounty anyways but i have consulted mathematicians and physicists on ur problem and here is what we have come up with.........register right as the game starts when the bounties are already posted
    Last edited by nab76; 12-24-2013 at 03:09 PM.
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  9. #39
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    lets do it!! set up a bounty!
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  10. #40
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTOMTABLES View Post
    Not sure I even need to answer this thread but.. Isn't the 150x2 bounty GIVING BACK 100%?

    If you want to place a bounty on someone, then perhaps I need to do an upgrade where you can add a bounty on someone.. Some strategic user submitted bounty where the points are instantly deducted.

    But to say every mod needs a bounty on them in every tournament.. Ok, if you want to do that, then instead of a 150 point bounty, there are 7 mods /150 = 21 point bounty on each Mod instead of 150 point on 1 person.

    let me know
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