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Thread: "badbeat" ?

  1. #1
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    "badbeat" ?

    what does it means?

  2. #2
    Corporal CRKURNUTZ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    A "bad beat" means that improved odds in your favour do not necessarily guarantee success. Here's an example of a bad beat: Bliinds are 600/300 & 30 Ante. The average stack is 25k. You're in the Big blind with A6 spades, UTG raises 3xBB, the guy in the Cutoff calls & you call. The flop comes: 8s,4s, Ad. You bet 2100, UTG snap calls, the Cutoff shoves his stack of 17 K allin. YOu call, UTG folds. You show your As 6s. Guy in cutoff has Jh, Qc. On the flop you're about 97.5% ahead. The odds are in your favour. The turn comes 9h, river 10c. You go in ahead & come out behind- the simplest way to describe a "badbeat".

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro cundo25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRKURNUTZ View Post
    A "bad beat" means that improved odds in your favour do not necessarily guarantee success. Here's an example of a bad beat: Bliinds are 600/300 & 30 Ante. The average stack is 25k. You're in the Big blind with A6 spades, UTG raises 3xBB, the guy in the Cutoff calls & you call. The flop comes: 8s,4s, Ad. You bet 2100, UTG snap calls, the Cutoff shoves his stack of 17 K allin. YOu call, UTG folds. You show your As 6s. Guy in cutoff has Jh, Qc. On the flop you're about 97.5% ahead. The odds are in your favour. The turn comes 9h, river 10c. You go in ahead & come out behind- the simplest way to describe a "badbeat".
    If that don't help you understand badbeat, I don't know what will. Well put!!
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  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    It can promise you that the more you play the better chance you have of having it happen to you. When it does DO NOT throw your monitor out the window!! lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Good thing that there are some forums or discussion boards like this to help and guide you onto this one. I really hope that things would work out well for the long run in this endeavor.
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    Last edited by haleylawrence; 02-20-2012 at 08:37 PM.

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2011
    this is the mother of bad beats
    i watched this go down at my table in crown casino
    guy on button rasies gets 1 caller
    flop Ah As Ks
    the caller bets pre flop rasier calls
    turn 10c
    both ceck turn
    river Js
    caller bets pre flop raser rasies caller rerasies pre flop goes allin gets called
    pre flop rasieer turns over AK for a fullhouse the other guy turns over Qs 10s for a royal flush
    thats 1 hell of a bad beat
    $900 pot the whole table was in shock

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    someone hits a 1 outer or 2 or 3 outers those are bad beats

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