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  1. #51
    PokerOwned Demi-God AryAlton's Avatar
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    May 2011
    You got a valid point i was winning until i started going off on carbon. Now im losing my ass.

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Veteran Peteyweestro's Avatar
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    May 2011
    So on the sites when we are ahead or winning, then those sites are legit, but the ones where we are losing are rigged and crappy etc etc...??? Really, even though online you play like triple the amount of hands, the fact that there are way more newbs that play online then go walking into a casino so yeah sometimes they play some crazy cards but they are theirs to play, in all reality you should be glad they are playing such crap cards because as we are so good we should be able to take advantage in the long run. I also don't understand how people think that just because they have a good starting hand means anything ? All it is is a starting hand, that's why they keep on dealing cards instead of just stopping either pre or post flop and the best hand wins. The final thing and it includes myself, most people are not winning poker players, most people are not good enough to do this for a living. We can be good but that isn't always enough, and nobody is so good they are unbeatable but to hear some speak you would never know that ??

    P.S. Merge rooms do have the balance in the lobby page, you just have to go into settings and click on it
    Last edited by Peteyweestro; 07-25-2011 at 08:57 PM.
    All money ain't good money......
    and all bitches ain't female neither !

  3. #53
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    On every poker site theres bad mouth players. Sometimes you gotta talk trash back don't let it get you down.

  4. #54
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Feb 2011
    sucking at poker will make you lose. and a bad streak will make you lose to. blaming losing on anything else is just plain wrong.

  5. #55
    Elite PokerOwned Member tp3rd's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Peteyweestro View Post
    So on the sites when we are ahead or winning, then those sites are legit, but the ones where we are losing are rigged and crappy etc etc...??? Really, even though online you play like triple the amount of hands, the fact that there are way more newbs that play online then go walking into a casino so yeah sometimes they play some crazy cards but they are theirs to play, in all reality you should be glad they are playing such crap cards because as we are so good we should be able to take advantage in the long run. I also don't understand how people think that just because they have a good starting hand means anything ? All it is is a starting hand, that's why they keep on dealing cards instead of just stopping either pre or post flop and the best hand wins. The final thing and it includes myself, most people are not winning poker players, most people are not good enough to do this for a living. We can be good but that isn't always enough, and nobody is so good they are unbeatable but to hear some speak you would never know that ??
    Ive been playing at Bodog way before any Merge site. Probably 3 years prior. Never felt cheated at bodog even when I had losing sessions. Hands that percentage wise you should win after flop regularly dont hold up at merge,whereas at bodog they do!! plain simple fact

  6. #56
    PokerOwned Veteran Peteyweestro's Avatar
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    Well you obviously have a bias towards Bodog and that's cool, we play where we like and avoid where we don't but to claim sites are rigged because for whatever reason you seem to run bad there is plain wrong. Still i must say just because a hand has a better percentage then another means only a little bit, it seems like you are letting these percents dominate your thinking, and that's why these strong hands of yours are not holding up, because some of your opponents don't care about your hand being a better hand they may not even be considering what you could be holding and just like their flush draw, but there again if you see a flush draw is possible and this person isn't shying away maybe you should, sometimes we got to fold what we think is a good hand to be successful in the long run
    All money ain't good money......
    and all bitches ain't female neither !

  7. #57
    Elite PokerOwned Member tp3rd's Avatar
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    Just went allin in in the po freeroll/ My A9 suited vs A6 off. preflop. Flop comes and two more 6s hit the board. No need to say more. EXCEPT FUCK YOU MERGE!!

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member maxima191's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Bodog is leaving USA Market at years end-Do you feel cheated now.
    "Take My Bankroll-Plz!"

  9. #59
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Mar 2011
    spamming forum !

  10. #60
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2011
    this turned from a carbon rigged thread to a bash/support bodog thread

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