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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2011
    I just crashed and burned trying to get my girl into poker. She got frustrated and said it was boring. She didn't want to play smart patient poker. She wanted to donk around and be a calling station. Bummed me out.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    I am a woman, and here's my advice. Set your girlfriends/wives up with a carbon and PO account. Let them play freerolls and fun steps for a few weeks and let them donk it up with ANY advice they didn't ask for. The biggest turn off will be you breathing down their neck telling them their playing wrong. If they're still interested after a few weeks, then start introducing strategy, but just one piece at a time like starting hands, position, odds, etc. Let them get the hang of that one concept without too much nagging before introducing the next one. The most important thing to get them hooked is to let them have fun with it, the longer they play the more they will want to win and become more interested in strategy, but you can't force it.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    I am a woman, and here's my advice. Set your girlfriends/wives up with a carbon and PO account. Let them play freerolls and fun steps for a few weeks and let them donk it up with ANY advice they didn't ask for. The biggest turn off will be you breathing down their neck telling them their playing wrong. If they're still interested after a few weeks, then start introducing strategy, but just one piece at a time like starting hands, position, odds, etc. Let them get the hang of that one concept without too much nagging before introducing the next one. The most important thing to get them hooked is to let them have fun with it, the longer they play the more they will want to win and become more interested in strategy, but you can't force it.
    There ya go, straight from the mouth of one of her own kind.haha. How did u get interested in playing to start w/R?

    N from reading thru his comments, not sure he wants to get her playing.haha.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God rghy2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSchmo View Post
    There ya go, straight from the mouth of one of her own kind.haha. How did u get interested in playing to start w/R?

    N from reading thru his comments, not sure he wants to get her playing.haha.
    I grew up in in vegas, so I was used to being around casinos. I knew poker hands from video poker and just slowly started playing new stuff in the main casino I went to. The place had a $20 tourney and my aunt used to be a dealer, so she explained the rules to me about 10 min before it started and I picked it up from there. When I first started it was just about sitting back and getting a feel for the game, no strategy. Then I started playing micro stakes online and that was when I started reading up on basic strategy and messing around with it. Basically, I was able to have fun when I started playing and it didn't matter how bad I played because when it was live I was getting free drinks for however long I could stay in the tourney and online I would only go through $20/month. Then I decided it was time to start winning, and the easiest way to improve was to start with BRM and made it very easy to just look at my BR to see how bad I was doing. From there I started studying up. But, if I had someone looking over my shoulder telling me I was playing wrong, I probably would have gotten pissed off and quit.

  5. #25
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TONelson View Post
    Unlike ddavey, I can not advocate beating your girlfriend. Violence is never a solution.
    hahahaha That's really funny. Good one.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
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    Good luck,,,, as Doyle says, a day to learn,,, a lifetime to master.

  7. #27
    PokerOwned Master allheart143's Avatar
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    From the mouth of a woman playing online poker. Set her up an account let her play. Answer the questions she has, but don't be an ass and don't be pushy... let her learn in her own time. I've always liked poker, its in my blood! My dad was always a good poker player. His game was Stud! I just got the guts a few years ago to finally get on Poker Stars, Ultimate Bet, Lock, and now carbon! I am hooked. I am no where near being a good player, but I'm learning everyday, part of that is I don't have someone breathing down my shoulder and telling me what I'm doing wrong. Thats the biggest part. If you rag on her too much she will quickly change her mind and not like it, you have to let her learn the game on her own!

  8. #28
    New Member
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    I need Help

  9. #29
    PokerOwned Master LIB_CON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rghy2 View Post
    I am a woman, and here's my advice. Set your girlfriends/wives up with a carbon and PO account. Let them play freerolls and fun steps for a few weeks and let them donk it up with ANY advice they didn't ask for. The biggest turn off will be you breathing down their neck telling them their playing wrong. If they're still interested after a few weeks, then start introducing strategy, but just one piece at a time like starting hands, position, odds, etc. Let them get the hang of that one concept without too much nagging before introducing the next one. The most important thing to get them hooked is to let them have fun with it, the longer they play the more they will want to win and become more interested in strategy, but you can't force it.
    That is it ^^

    I just wanted to add to be sure she knows hand ranks...I am always surprised how long it can take a new player to learn these by heart

  10. #30
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Dec 2012
    replaying the hands is a great idea

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