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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Official PO NBA Fantasy NBA league

    Draft--Saturday the 14th (time TBD)

    Cost--20$, will take pretty much any payment. If paying with BTC I will depo on ACR

    (maybe Emush)--
    *still plenty of time for more(payouts with 6 people will be 1st=100$ 2nd=20$. Will be adjusted if more play)

    --I will be putting on 100k FR or/and 100k league parlay first weekend of Nov for players. If FR it will be winner take all. If parlay, everyone in league will pick one game. We will parlay all games into one and split even if it hits

    --Your rank, out of the total number of managers, in a stat category earns you the inverse number of points. Example with a league containing 10 managers:

    1st place in a stat category, earns 10 points
    10th place in a stat category, earns 1 point

    --Unlike other scoring formats, where your points are accumulated over time, the total available points are static and don't change in a Rotisserie league. Your standing within that set of points is what changes from day to day based on your accumulated stats.

    As your rank per stat category rises or falls, your total points adjust accordingly each day and any difference from your standings in previous day is tracked with positive and negative numbers in the "Pts Change" column.

    --The maximum number of points a manager can earn is the number of tracked stat categories multiplied by the number of managers in a league. In a 10 manager league tracking 10 stat categories, a manager who earns 1st place in every stat category would have 100 points.
    Last edited by trogers; 10-07-2017 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Will not bump this like I was the other, Just confirming I got TPK payment and have sent link out

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Here is the link to the league if you plan on playing go ahead and sign up and just get me on payment before draft. I just want to make sure we still have enough to do it.


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