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Thread: Its Tebow Time.

  1. #31
    Elite PokerOwned Member CoolJakeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueOC View Post
    55 Minutes of horrible football from a QB....last 5 Mins he was great....he got lucky
    Luck or no luck, Tebow shows a leadership that only few QB's have, going back to his college football days. He is the best option the Broncos have right now.

  2. #32
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    I watched a espn show about him in the run up to chosing which college to go to. In one of the games he played in high school, early in the game he broke his fibula but still played on. You could see as the game progressed he started limping worse and worse, but near the end of the game he had a 20 yard touch down run.

    What kinda 17-18 yr old plays nearly a full game with a broken fibula and still runs a 20 yard touch down,

    The guy is a beast, and a winner. Give him the chance and i cant see him failing

  3. #33
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by lamebrane View Post
    How shocking that insensitive bastards like Prozach and Rcktwrangler would find a picture like the one above to be amusing. I have a developed mentally Downs Syndrome 44 year sister who has been, I'm sure, the butt of many a joke over the years by ignorant idiots like you two. You two are worthless humans. You should be ashamed, but I'm sure your not. You're just another example of some of the scum that plays poker. Well posted you bastard!!
    I didn't find it funny , that's why i said wtf is wrong with you? the hahaha is directed towards him not the picture.


  4. #34
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by lamebrane View Post
    I do have a beef with about 6 members here, primarily because they have consistently tried to bully me, and others, both in the poker games and in chat as a result. I'm more than happy to let things go if others are willing to do the same. But, some people just aren't willing to let things go and I won't be bullied, period. To say I have a beef with most everyone is ridiculous. I don't communicate much here to begin with but whenever I do, it's always the same 5 or 6 people who start in on me. I apologize to you and anyone else that I may disturb who don't like seeing the arguing. However, it takes two people to create the situation and I've asked many times for these constant bullies to quit and they don't seem to want to stop. I'm tired of it and have already turned off the chat of those who do it in the games. I will also try to stay away from chat when I see those people in the room. That's the best that I can do.
    They try to bully you? you come in the chat and start shit.


  5. #35
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Tebow goes to Charlotte next week. Cam Newton will outperform him. Watch out for Steve Smith!

  6. #36
    PokerOwned God
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    I too would really like to see him succeed, but I just don't think he has the talent to be an NFL quarterback.

  7. #37
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
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    Like i said I would love to see him succeed, almost more than any other QB ive ever saw come out of college b.c he deserved it more than anyone, but he really isnt a QB he will notice that soon, and hes 6'3 250 he will be a TE in no time and a probowl caliber TE!

  8. #38
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueOC View Post
    Like i said I would love to see him succeed, almost more than any other QB ive ever saw come out of college b.c he deserved it more than anyone, but he really isnt a QB he will notice that soon, and hes 6'3 250 he will be a TE in no time and a probowl caliber TE!
    But he wants to be a QB and i he is so driven he wont accept anything less. The problem is Denver are trying to make him play like a brady or manning and thats not him. They need nearly a whole new playbook that is built around him. Usually only in the 4th quarter he has played denver has allowed him to play his game. And each time he comes up huge.

    Give out about his mechanics all you want and say he cant play QB and whatever. But this guy was rated amongst the best college player let alone QB ever and now all of a sudden he cant play QB. The problem is he's is trying to be molded into the popular mould of a Nfl QB but remember theres more than one way to skin a cat, And if this guy had a coach who was a great offensive coach, and not the defensive head coach he has, who was willing to take the time and think up an offense around Tebow, I really think he could be a beast as a QB.

  9. #39
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
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    he has won in highschool and in college and that is not gonna stop anytime soon

  10. #40
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Throwing mechanics can be learned and improved on, Reading coverages/blitz can be learned and improved on, anything people fault him on can be learned and improved on (not that he isn't above average at most as he is playin in the nfl). But the thing Tebow brings to the table in heart, belief,leadership and plain an simple just being a winner cannot just be taught, few people have these so called intangibles and this guy has them in higher amounts than i have ever seen in my life.

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