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Thread: Its Tebow Time.

  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master Prozach's Avatar
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    Tim Tebow is tied with John Elway for the most 4th quarter comebacks of 13 points or more with 2. So that means Tebow is as good or even better than Elway.
    You check, I bet. You raise, I re-raise. You go all-in, I fold.
    "Ya prozach makes a good point" - Zab

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    Dont know why but i really wanted tim tebow to do good today. Obviously i like others probly did thought he messed up his chance to shine.

    But was great to watch him comeback in that game!
    i thought you didnt watch football prawney, only a man like tebow can bring us all together..the savior of the tebow

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Pro
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    all in all the Broncos still suck. I mean they beat the 0-6 Dolphins. However, like Tebow, but they wont be getting enough W's this year to consider the playoffs.

  4. #14
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    wasn't pretty but usually finds a way to come up with the win

  5. #15
    Elite PokerOwned Member CoolJakeB's Avatar
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    No one is saying that Tebow is a great QB but he is what Denver needs right now.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    I never said he is best QB in nfl. But when so many people say he cant do this and cant do that. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see him do it.

    I dont see why people so quickly dismiss these "intangibles" as meaning nothing when he cant throw the ball. Look at the chargers yesterday. Rivers was down by 4 with nearly the same amount of time as tebow had down by 15. Did anyone see the shambles that was the chargers final drive. I mean Rivers even threw it away on 4th down. He wasnt being tackled, he just chose to throw it away rather than throw it deep.

    But Tebow just has belief, whether its unfounded or not, his belief in himself and those around him make him come up big when it matters. As someone said on some show today. If Tebow was at a carnival playing the game where you gotta throw the ball into the hole, Tebow wouldnt get the ball in the hole once, but would still somehow win all the stuffed animals.

    If he somehow corrected his throwing this guy would be a phenom.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    I never said he is best QB in nfl. But when so many people say he cant do this and cant do that. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to see him do it.

    I dont see why people so quickly dismiss these "intangibles" as meaning nothing when he cant throw the ball. Look at the chargers yesterday. Rivers was down by 4 with nearly the same amount of time as tebow had down by 15. Did anyone see the shambles that was the chargers final drive. I mean Rivers even threw it away on 4th down. He wasnt being tackled, he just chose to throw it away rather than throw it deep.

    But Tebow just has belief, whether its unfounded or not, his belief in himself and those around him make him come up big when it matters. As someone said on some show today. If Tebow was at a carnival playing the game where you gotta throw the ball into the hole, Tebow wouldnt get the ball in the hole once, but would still somehow win all the stuffed animals.

    If he somehow corrected his throwing this guy would be a phenom.
    Sorry dude. To listen to anything you have to say about the NFL when you are from Ireland, just doesn't make any sense to me. You should go to the forum that talks about drinking beer and growing potatoes.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lamebrane View Post
    Sorry dude. To listen to anything you have to say about the NFL when you are from Ireland, just doesn't make any sense to me. You should go to the forum that talks about drinking beer and growing potatoes.
    I do really feel bad for you. I can only imagine what you have gone through in life to end up such a bitter person.

  9. #19
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    I'm not bitter at all. I just wondered how an Irish person could be an NFL expert? You should stick to what you know. Beer, potatoes, and stubbornness.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    lame I know you have a huge grudge against Prawns, I don't agree with things or some of his analysis sometimes but I would not stoop to insult his heritage. I find it hard to understand how Zab allows you to have free reign on this site spewing non sense in chat and in the forums. For that last week I have closely watched the forums and chat and you have zilch to offer to this site what so ever. If your purpose here is to bad mouth Prawney well then by all means do it through PM or private chat.

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