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  1. #11
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    too bad the refs didnt call the illegal formation that the broncos were in for the overtime touchdown!!!

  2. #12

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Lol clutching at straws, Easy arguement for this is, even if it was an illegal play, which i doubt it was because noone is saying it is other than this paper, But even if it was, When champ bailey tackled that guy in the backfield when there was a lateral pass and he fumbled it, Then broncos recovered on the 8 yrd line, that should have been game as broncos would have went up by likely another 7 pts making it game over.

    Dont be bitter like this, Game was called in pittsburgh favour if anything so even if illegal, it still doesnt cancel out all the calls steelers got all game.

  4. #14
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Haha Tebow Haters who said he couldnt do it Take THAT!!

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    i would never trust an awful chris chase written article on yahoo sports. no excuses steelers lost.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    i followed tebow all through college, i dont want him to do anything except succeed.... he is an incredible athlete and more importantly person....


    i am mad about last weeks game...

    steelers lost... tebow did well...

    we got out coached because we were dealing with so many injuries...

    it was an illegal play but one or two of those happen every game...

    in the end of it all, there is no way the broncos will beat the patriots this week, tebow will never be the starting QB of a winning superbowl squad,,,, EVER!!!!

    thats a fact.................................... bet me whatever odds on PO POINTS

    what is not a fact is that the NFL is completely honest and not premeditating games/OUTCOMES in PARTICULAR situations.. (read the back of your tickets assholes-lol-entertainment value rights are for real..)

    but in my honest opinion

    6 billion a year and no one is trying to make sure the home field isnt the home team in the superbowl or that there is never a repeat EVER in b2b super bowl winners or that the top 5 most popular teams arent always in the mix somehow...

    p.s. all the outrageously big players are not on steroids, not at all..
    o i forgot the NFL does testing- o okkkkkk

    "come on this is America, anything is possible...''


    -good thing tebow got that 250k cause hes not getting a playoof bonus ever again...

    once again- I am not a tebow hater- i love him- just being real...

    let the nfl make their money off more jerseys and nikes and whatever else they push in 2012...

    end of the day-Tebow is the perfect role model- he only has haters because media made it that way and more importantly because America is all about having the perfect role model but will turn their backs on a gentleman but worship people that dont care about todays future youth,,,,aka kardashians/80 percent of famous people....

    GO TEBOW GO!!!

    wave bye haters from the bench next year
    Last edited by pikeboy412; 01-12-2012 at 12:05 PM.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    its obvious media is sucking tebows dick.... three qbs maybe 4 passed for 5k in yards... tebow passes for 316 in a game- time to suck his dick-roll out the red carpet for the dick sucking fest...

    fuck roethlisberger, brees, eli, and rodgers... fuck em i guess,,, 5 k in yards aint shit

    the main point i guess is fuck you roger goodell...

    go cash all of Harrisons checks-

  8. #18
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by pikeboy412 View Post
    i followed tebow all through college, i dont want him to do anything except succeed.... he is an incredible athlete and more importantly person....


    i am mad about last weeks game...

    steelers lost... tebow did well...

    we got out coached because we were dealing with so many injuries...

    it was an illegal play but one or two of those happen every game...

    in the end of it all, there is no way the broncos will beat the patriots this week, tebow will never be the starting QB of a winning superbowl squad,,,, EVER!!!!

    thats a fact.................................... bet me whatever odds on PO POINTS

    what is not a fact is that the NFL is completely honest and not premeditating games/OUTCOMES in PARTICULAR situations.. (read the back of your tickets assholes-lol-entertainment value rights are for real..)

    but in my honest opinion

    6 billion a year and no one is trying to make sure the home field isnt the home team in the superbowl or that there is never a repeat EVER in b2b super bowl winners or that the top 5 most popular teams arent always in the mix somehow...

    p.s. all the outrageously big players are not on steroids, not at all..
    o i forgot the NFL does testing- o okkkkkk

    "come on this is America, anything is possible...''


    -good thing tebow got that 250k cause hes not getting a playoof bonus ever again...

    once again- I am not a tebow hater- i love him- just being real...

    let the nfl make their money off more jerseys and nikes and whatever else they push in 2012...

    end of the day-Tebow is the perfect role model- he only has haters because media made it that way and more importantly because America is all about having the perfect role model but will turn their backs on a gentleman but worship people that dont care about todays future youth,,,,aka kardashians/80 percent of famous people....

    GO TEBOW GO!!!

    wave bye haters from the bench next year
    Its funny that ur implying they screwed over steelers by not calling that an illegal play, when the game was called incredibly in the steelers favour for the whole game, And im talking obvious blantant wrong calls, And ur saying steelers were screwed by the ref when they supposedly missed something that if it even was illegal was only illegal but at most inches,

    Please give me a break, Steelers went into game thinkin they just had to show up, And it was obvious at end of 2nd quarter when Broncos scored 20 without reply that the steelers couldnt believe what was happening.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    They went up against Tebow. Tough to win when god is against you.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Here we go steelers, here we go!!!

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